
Conditionally hide child tables/relationships based on the main record?

+4 votes

I have a client list and I want to hide tabs (or tables) based on a selection. For example, if I have a client that we host the data I want to show the info and user tables but if we don't host them I want them hidden to clean up the view.

in Features (Done) by (590 points)
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Hello Karin, at the moment there is no way to conditionally hide a whole table.  That is only possible with record.  I will turn your question into a feature request.
Hello Karin, let me know if the title of the feature request still captures what you are trying todo.

1 Answer

0 votes

As of dbFront you can now set a visibility expression for table relationships.

The visibility expression is very similar to both the Field Group, and Button visibility expressions.

This implementation allows the visibility to dynamically change as the user changes the form data, or as new records are loaded or created.

The visibility expression is assigned in the [Table Properties] / [Relationships Tab] / [Relationship Dialog]

by (65.3k points)
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