
Can't load users, The LDAP server is unavailable.

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Hi, I am trying to configure authenticaton and amd getting the following error when selecting Access on either of my Databases.

Can't load users, The LDAP server is unavailable.

I am unable to find where the LDAP server is even set. in the main window I have my domain added. but no LDAp filter. I have added one OU where users can be found (the error occurs with our without the OU added)

Log lines
2023-01-06 12:37:24.953 Error: Can't load users, The LDAP server is unavailable.
2023-01-06 12:37:24.953 Error: Process Error, The LDAP server is unavailable.
2023-01-06 12:37:24.812 Error: LDAP: Can't get users [(&(objectClass=user))], The server is not operational.

in Login Issues by (150 points)

1 Answer

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On the same screen where you set the OU (User Container), you would also have specified the name of your Active Directory Server (User Domain).

The first lines (20) of the LogFile should show dbFront connecting to your Active Directory domain (assuming AD) or to your local server. You may need to look at an older logfile or restart dbFront to see this.

net stop dbFrontService
net start dbFrontService

If dbFront is not able to connect then it is likely to be a network connection issue.

by (64.8k points)
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