
Prepare Form Data Before Load

+1 vote

I need to do just-in-time preparation of the Form Data before it is loaded and visible to the user.

The issue is that I need to pull in data from a separate system so that the data will be relevant.

I know I can setup a background process on the database server to ensure that the data is always ready for presentation but that would create a pile of work and data churn on the server for data that would rarely be seen. Additionally, there is the risk that it wouldn't be current.

Views can't trigger processing.

Is it possible to call a stored procedure to prepare the data just before the main form is loaded?

in Features (Done) by (7.2k points)
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1 Answer

0 votes

As of version, dbFront will now optionally call a store procedure just prior to loading the Form Data. This procedure is only called if you select a record from the grid.

The procedure is configured in the [**Events**] tab in the Table Properties.

Once the user selects a record then the procedure will be called. dbFront will pass as parameters, each of the Primary Key fields followed by the %UserName% of the current user.

It is up to the stored procedure to throttle itself and skip any processing if it is no longer needed for that user, record or day.

This functionality is not available if the table does not have a primary key.

by (64.9k points)
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