
Single File Automated Backup

0 votes

dbFront already automatically creates and maintains backups of each database's configuration.

It would be handy if dbFront could capture and backup all of the bits and pieces for each database connection & application including the custom CSS files, Icons, Report Templates and anything else that might be easily missed.

The backup should also include all server configuration stuff, SSO details and more.

The idea is a single file zip file that could be migrated to another machine and restored.

This would be great for server migrations or creating distributable application packages.

in Features (Todo) by (7.4k points)

I can see this as being valuable for migrating from test to live environments.

1 Answer

0 votes

This would be very helpful for all of the reasons specified.

NOTE: Please vote on or consider funding this Feature Request if it interests you.

by (65.3k points)
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