
Enable SSO and User Authentication at the same time

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We have users who want to access the database but who are not part of our SSO.

What are the options?

in Installation by (7.4k points)

1 Answer

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That is going to require two separate installs of dbFront because SSO mode is naturally an exclusive option.

When SSO is enabled then dbFront won't show a login screen. If dbFront encounters a user that needs authentication it will redirect that user to the configured SSO provider. It is the SSO provider's responsibility to authenticate the user and then return them to dbFront.

The simplest solution is two separate servers with dbFront installed, one for the SSO users and one for the regular users.

It should be possible to install two complete instances of dbFront on the same server but it would need to be all manual and it would require manual upgrades going forward.

If you want to proceed with manually installing multiple instances of dbFront on the same server then please let me know and we can explore that option and see what is involved.

At minimum it will require:

  1. Two separate Web Sites for the dbFront UI,
  2. Two separate Data folders [c:\data\dbFront\] for the configuration, cache, license files,
  3. Two separate dbFrontService installs since they also manage the site configuration.
  4. Two separate port numbers for the Site <=> Service communications.
by (65.3k points)
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