Fields that are added to a table or view should normally be available for selection immediately after a screen refresh.
If the fields are still missing then there are a few possible things to check.
My Layout View
The My Layout View, limits the available fields to only those that were added by an administrator.
To exit "My Layout" click the button button labelled "Exit My Layout". On current versions of dbFront, the button will be Red.
Unsupported Field Names or Types
If a field is still not available then open the [Help] / [Log Viewer] and look for any errors or warnings.
One possibility is that the field names are invalid in some way, or they are of a data type that is not supported by dbFront.
Correct Database
Is it possible that you made the changes in a different database then the one you are viewing? I have to ask, have done that myself.
Still not Found?
If you still can't see the newly added fields then please contact us via one of our Support Options.