
Multilingual Support.

+6 votes

Is there any plan to add support for languages other then English?

in Features (Todo) by (7.4k points)
One solution I've seen is a "Translation" XML File.  Basically an XML file within a folder which is customisable by the user.

The user can then add translations to this file manually as needed.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Multilingual support is planned for the near future. The initial plan is to focus on just the Client Side (Non-Admin) messages. That should cover off the most pressing need.

The plan is to use to manage the translation maintenance. Please add any additional suggestions in the comments.

NOTE: Please vote on this Feature Request if it interests you.

by (65.3k points)
If you like, I can help with Swedish language translation.
@furumosse, Thank you, I will contact you when ready.
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