
Configure tool tips for buttons and fields

+6 votes

Having the ability to add tool tips (appearing on hover) would offer a convenient way to provide descriptions to form fields and buttons. Then we could shorten column labels to save space.

in Features (Done) by (770 points)
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I like this - it's also a good way to provide some level of documentation.

As of version, dbFront allows you to set Help Text that displays as a tool-tip for custom buttons.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

As of version, dbFront allows you to set Help Text that displays as a tool-tip for custom buttons.

As of version, dbFront allows you to set Help Text on individual fields. Instead of hover text, the field help text only displays if a user clicks on a help icon beside the field label. This prevents the hover text from becoming obtrusive. It also means that the field help is easily available on touch screens.

by (64.9k points)
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