
Consolidated Todo List including configurable alerts

+5 votes

This might be out of scope for dbFront, but it would be a really useful feature to be able to alert users when something needs to be done in the system. A small message box, similar to the one that appears when the session is about to expire would be perfect, one scenario would be;

Reminder to fill in/check some records based on the system datetime.

AnthonyV: Updated Title

in Features (Todo) by (970 points)
edited by
Let me know if I captured what you were aiming at.  If so then I might change the title of your feature request.

1 Answer

+1 vote

A Custom Todo-list represents an exciting and valuable feature request.

Databases don't just represent data, they represent outstanding work: Customers to contact, Invoices to ship, Vendors to pay, Inventory to replenish, Computers to patch, Passwords to change, etc, etc, etc..

25% of the tables in a database contain outstanding work.

With the exception of log tables, many database tables directly represent objects that business and organizations care about. Objects that need work: auditing, cleaning, maintenance, resupply, completion, etc.. Based on my experience this number can easily hit 25% or more of the existing tables.

The concept is to allow Admins to specify a simple SQL where clause for each table that selects the Todo items from that table. dbFront would consolidate all of the tables that need work and create a focused Todo List for the current user.

​For each table, the Admin would also specify: Due Date, Priority, and Caption columns. The where clause would be responsible for any user-specific filtering and/or will respect the existing SELECT row-level security.

​The Todo List view would have its own layout and caption configuration similar to the table preferences.

​The Todo List would also be selectable as the Startup view for a database.

Users could click on the todo list items and be able to edit the appropriate record with its specific structure in place or jump to the appropriate table and record.

A ToDo List would represent a very powerful addition to dbFront but will require consolidating and working through the layout and security needs of multiple different tables on the fly. I am confident that dbFront can handle the complexity and expect the result to be seamless, intuitive and powerful.

NOTE: Please vote on and help fund this Feature Request if it interests you.

by (65.3k points)
edited by
This would achieve what I mentioned perfectly I think, and is an even better idea. Fully support this Anthony.
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