
How do I completely reinstall dbFront?

+1 vote

What are the steps to reinstall dbFront since I have an odd server error that I don't have time to diagnose.

in Installation by (7.4k points)

1 Answer

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​The following are the steps needed to reinstall dbFront while still retaining the settings. Please read all of the instructions before starting.

​The following instructions assume the default locations.

1) ​IMPORTANT: Please backup the following file and folders prior to uninstalling.

  • The contents of the [C:\Data\dbFront\] folder
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\dbFront\dbFrontService.exe.config
  • C:\Inetpub\dbFront\web.config

2) ​​Delete the dbFrontService files in [C:\Program Files (x86)\dbFront\]

3) ​Delete all dbFrontUI files in [C:\Inetpub\dbFront\]

​4) Delete the Log Folders

  • C:\Logs\dbFrontService\
  • C:\Logs\iisexpress\
  • C:\Logs\w3wp\

​5) Ensure that the App Pool and WebApp are removed. This is to ensure that a reinstall is able to recreate the website properly.​

​6) Restore the [C:\Data\dbFront\] folder which you backed up in step a).

​7) Reinstall dbFront.

​8) Merge in the [C:\Program Files (x86)\dbFront\dbFrontService.exe.config] file backed up in step a).

  • Note: Only merge in the sections as needed.

​9) Merge in the [C:\Inetpub\dbFront\web.config] file backed up in step a).

  • Note: Only merge in the sections as needed.

All the best.

by (65.3k points)
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