
This release of dbFront is no longer supported.

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Why am I receiving a notification that my release of dbFront is no longer supported?

What are the dbFront support cycles?

What if I am happy with what I have and don't care to upgrade?

in Errors by (7.4k points)
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dbFront Release Lifecycle

The dbFront Lifecycle is based on 3 different release types.

  • Beta: Supported for 1 year from release date.
  • Feature: Supported for 2 years from release date.
  • Stable: Supported for 3 years from release date.

All public versions of dbFront start life as a Beta release. If that release is the last in its line and no issues are found then that release may become a Feature release. With enough usage and testing it may eventually become a Stable release.

dbFront is under active development and we have released many versions of dbFront over time. For the benefit of our users it is best to have all users on a few Stable versions of dbFront.

To view the current list of releases see: dbFront Release History

Challenge and Opportunity

We understand that updating your dbFront install may be an unpleasant prospect.

At the same time, the installer makes most upgrades simply and quick. An upgrade can take as little as a few minutes. At the same time we strongly suggest is that you perform a backup before the upgrade and run checks after the upgrade to ensure everything worked as expected.

The Challenge: Your computer, phone and their web browsers are constantly installing fixes and updates to remain secure and stable. dbFront is a complex network and internet connected service that your users access via their web browsers. In order to remain secure and stable, dbFront needs to remain current.

The Opportunity: We constantly add new features at the request of our users so updating your dbFront install will also upgrade your users experience and your administrative abilities.

Time to Upgrade

If you received this message then it is time to consider upgrading to a Stable release of dbFront. Stable releases of dbFront are supported for 3 years.

For most most users, upgrading your dbFront install is as simple as performing a backup and running the installer. For more details see: Backup before Upgrade

What if I don't want to upgrade

The Support notification is simply a warning to your users that they are using an unsupported application. It does not impact any dbFront functionality so you can continue to use dbFront as is.

You can click the X beside the warning and dismiss it for a time.

For questions about not renewing support see: What happens if I don't renew my maintenance?

by (65.3k points)
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