
How do I configure SSL for a server that is hosting dbFront?

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We have installed dbFront on a new server but it is working only when used http://servername/dbfront but not https://servername/dbfront

How do we configure SSL on the server for dbFront?

in Installation by (7.1k points)
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1 Answer

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​Configuring SSL for the server is something that is normally managed by your network team.

After SSL Certificate Installation

Once an SSL certificate is installed you should check the following two items:

1. Server Bindings
Once SSL is enabled on the server then you will need to ensure that the Bindings within IIS were updated to enable SSL for the Website.

Bindings are discussed as part of this article: Microsoft Instructions using IIS Manager

2. Secure Cookie Flag
The only SSL-specific configuration within dbFront is a security setting to force dbFront to send all cookies via SSL. The Secure Cookie Flag should only be enabled once SSL has been configured on your server. For more details see: SSL Cookie Flag

Installing a SSL Certificate

There are four main options for setting up SSL on your server.

1. Self-Signed SSL Certificate

You specified https://servername/dbfront as the URL which means you are likely talking about a locally hosted internal server. For that scenario, you could use a self-signed SSL certificate.

The following instructions specify how you can create and setup a Self-Sign SSL certificate for local network use.

2. Traditional 3rd Party Public SSL Certificate

The traditional way to install SSL is to purchase an SSL certificate from companies like Comodo or Verisign. The following article describes the process of purchasing and installing such a certificate. You can also search for vendor specific instructions.

3. Free SSL for Public Sites using CloudFlare

CloudFlare is a company that provides enhanced DDOS protection for sites. As part of their services they also give all clients. including free clients, access to a Free and very robust SSL implementation.

We use CloudFlare to protect our primary site and our demo/test sites.

4. Free SSL for Public Sites using LetsEncrypt

LetsEncrypt is a very popular free SSL certificate issuing service. Their certificates have a short lifetime but they are automatically renewed using installed clients.

We also use LetsEncrypt internally and have used LetsEncrypt for Hosted Client servers.

by (64.8k points)
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