I've been giving this a lot of thought over the few days since I first raised this. In essence, what I'd really like to be able to do is to highlight items that need some action.
So essentially setting the table/row/column attributes based on some criteria - either on a calculation or another value in that specfic row or another value in an associated view.
This would allow the view to do some sort of pre-processing. For example, every night I update our Membership database and set an 'Overdue' flag (Yes or No) on each Membership row based on various criteria associated with Membership Category, Membership Duration and Payment - all to just include an Overdue column in the table. I could define these for each Membership in a view and then use that view to highlight the ExpiryDate column in the table.
e.g. on the ExpiryDate column - WHERE %ExpiryDate% < %vwExpiryDate% THEN... set to bold red text on a yellow background.
This is, I think, a clumsy example. But as you're aware I do a lot of business rules processing using Triggers after updates, but this would allow a certain amount of business rules pre-processing. I'm sure that other clients would find much better ways of using a feature like this.