your database front-end

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URLs and deep linking

dbFront makes it easy to create links that jump directly to a specific database and table of interest.  You can even link directly to a specific record.

The URL format when you want to reach a specific table is: {baseUrl}/default.aspx?d={databasename}&t={tablename}&s={search string}

There are four specific parameters:

  • d: The database name
    If your database name is not unique then you will need to use the database key, see below,
  • k: The database key
    The database key is used if the database name is not unique or if you want to hide the database name.   This is will be unique for your server and will be visible any time you browse into your database.
  • t: The table name
    Table names can include the Schema name if desired.   e.g.  [SalesLT].[Product].
  • s: A search string
       The specified value will be entered into the quick search field in the selected table.

To link directly to a specific record you would add either of the following bookmarks:

  • Primary Key values:  e.g. k=%connectionkey%&t=product#[870]
    This will cause dbFront to look for a record with a primary key value of 870 in the table [product].  If the table has multiple primary key columns then you would format the values as [23,54] or ["valueone","valuetwo"].
  • Any unique value: e.g. k=%connectionkey%&t=product#{productnumber:"WB-H098"}
    This format allows you to specify the column names.  This string will cause dbFront to look in the [product] table for a record where the column [productnumber] = "WB-H098".  Multiple columns can be used by separating them with a comma.
Content you want the user to see goes here.