Release Summary
This Release Summary consolidates the features and fixes under the appropriate Feature or Stable release. To see every intermediate release see: Release History.
The latest version of dbFront is always available from the download page.
2024-05-09 - dbFront Version:, Stable
2 new fixes
- Caching: Fix issue where a database structure change would triggered excessive cache purging breaking the UI for other active sessions.
- StoredProcedure: Fixed to return procedure result headings even if empty.
2024-04-17 - dbFront Version:, Feature
1 new feature
- Procedure: The ServerDirected results of OpenTable or OpenUrl can now specify a 'Message' column. See: RunProcedure
6 new fixes
LayoutGroups: Fixed serious issue where field contents in a server hidden group still partially visible to administrators might be deleted on save.
- Admin: Fixed/Increased the size of the dropzone when arranging fields.
- Expressions: Fixed issue where some expressions inserted a separating space.
- Merged: All fixes from dbFront and earlier.
- StoredProcedure: Gracefully handle the deletion of the current record by a stored procedure.
- URL: Correctly handle redirects to another record. (Hash Change)
2024-02-28 - dbFront Version:, Feature
2 new fixes
- Core: Compare 'invalid' subtypes without error.
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
2024-02-06 - dbFront Version:, Feature
3 new fixes
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
- MySQL: Fixed ability to delete ALL rows.
2023-11-23 - dbFront Version:, Feature
13 new features
- Core: Updated multiple 3rd-Party components.
- CrystalReports: Added output types: Html, Txt, Xml, Xlsx
- CrystalReports: Inline images in Html output
- CrystalReportsHelper: Updated for additional types.
- Exports: More meaningful Filenames for Reports and Exports. Q&A
- FileLink: Added read-only support for attachments stored on the file system. Q&A
- Procedures: Added full support for stored procedures that return multiple results sets. Q&A
- ReportTemplates: Ability to Copy an existing Report Template.
- Scrolling: Added ability to scroll through table instead of paging. Q&A
- Security: Added support for separate User and Group containers and LDAP filters
- Table: Renamed "Table Fields" to "Table" in config.
- ZipExport: Export a ZIP package containing the PDF report and all referenced attachments. Q&A
- ZipExport: Include FileLink attachments in Zip package.
13 new fixes
- Attachment: Fix "RowHash not set" regression when attempting to upload a file.
- Attachments: Attempt to enable camera on upload.
- Caching: Ensure that any structure change clears cached lookups.
- Caching: Reset internal cached values after settings save.
- CrystalReports: Fixes to ensure that selected types would download/display correctly.
- FileLink: Open access to network-accessible files.
- MassUpdate: Fixed ability to clear Non-Nullable field values.
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
- Merged: All fixes included in dbFront and earlier.
- Printing: Correctly handle servers where the Print Spooler is disabled.
- ReportTemplates: UI fixes to enable easier editing.
- ZipExport: Ensure that any FileLink attachments are valid.
dbFront Version: 1.2.6
2024-05-14 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Caching: Fix issue where a database structure change would triggered excessive cache purging breaking the UI for other active sessions.
2024-02-26 - dbFront Version:, Stable
6 new fixes
- BigInteger: Fixed large integer handling.
- CSS: Fixed Busy Icon not showing up on Flattened Themes.
- IE: Fixed IE-11 Logout dialog issue.
- Lookups: Fixed ability to Export/Import the Lookup Filter.
- Lookups: ForceServerLookup if either the Lookup Filter or Row Select Security is user-dependent.
- Time: Fixed errors when handling some time fields.
2023-11-17 - dbFront Version:, Stable
6 new fixes
- ExcelExport: Fixed handling of empty datasets.
- FileLinks/OpenUrl: Fixed access to network files. [file://\\servername\share\]
- ReportTemplates: Fixed ability to create blank templates.
- ReportTemplates: Simplified deleting report templates with errors.
- RunProcedure: Improved error handling to better reveal the core error message.
- Sessions: Fixed purging of invalid sessions.
2023-10-10 - dbFront Version:, Feature
14 new fixes
- 1-1: Fixed row count on 1-1 tabs when empty.
- 1-1: Load 1-1 child rows from bookmarks and deep links. See: DeepLinking
- Bookmarks: Fix issues loading records from a bookmark.
- Bookmarks: Handle bookmarks that need extra data for child tables.
- Caching: Ensure that a structure change clears cached lookups.
- ChildTables: Fixed join failures when related to a field other than a primary key.
- ChildTables: Fixes to correctly load child tables.
- IE11: Improved support.
- Logging: Corrected resource locking which prevented flushing the logfile.
- Logging: Log warnings when encountering invalid config.
- Lookups: Handle data in lookups with nullable/empty unique keys.
- RowSave: Save empty values as empty strings on non-nullable columns instead of Null.
- Url: Clean up HASH portion of URL
- Views: Fixed ability to save a renamed view.
2023-08-23 - dbFront Version:, Feature
1 new fix
- Attachment: Fix "RowHash not set" regression when attempting to upload a file.
2023-06-14 - dbFront Version:, Feature
13 new features
- AdvancedSearch: Extended the length of the search field from 50 to 200. Q&A
- CustomSearch: Ability to set constant values and ranges or NULL.
- CustomSearch: Added "Custom Search" action buttons. Q&A
- CustomSearch: Includes support for Prompt Fields and optional Range Fields. Q&A
- CustomSearch: Includes support for Search SQL Expressions. Q&A
- CustomSearch: Optionally, Clear, Overwrite or Merge with Advanced Search.
- CustomSearch: Users can create/edit their own search buttons.
- Layout: Added "TableOnly" layout. Currently requires disabling insert. Q&A
- MassUpdate/Delete: Updated to handle search filters based on Filter Buttons.
- MassUpdate/Delete: Updated to handle search filters based on Related Views.
- SystemMonitor: Rebuilt IP based activity monitoring and layout.
- Table: Added ability to set 'Sticky' table columns that remain on screen. Q&A
- WebRequest: Added option to call Stored Procedure to process the results. Q&A
48 new fixes
- Access: Ignore access errors to databases not requested by the current user.
- AdvancedSearch: Fixed oversized search keywords breaking the layout.
- Attachments: Automatically handle PDF files migrated from Sharepoint. Q&A
- Buttons: ButtonAccess(visibility) fixed to be more consistent and logical.
- Buttons: ButtonAccess(visibility) fixed to enable on readonly records.
- Buttons: Fixed "Overrides Access" to allow override of row-level security.
- Buttons: Fixed handling of read-only dialog fields where the form was editable.
- Buttons: Fixes to handling of non-default read-only fields.
- Buttons: Improved handling of existing changes when a Action Button is pressed.
- Buttons: Updates to Config UI for WebRequest with Procedure.
- Caching: Removed Cache trimming since it was causing more issues.
- ClientErrors: Log client browser type/version.
- Config: Fixed XML error loading config from cache.
- Cookies: Compress and encrypt the Json cookies
- Core: Fixed ability to overwrite invalid config..
- Core: Improved Null handling.
- Core: Reject field/object names that are only numeric.
- Core: Upgraded to jQuery 3.6.2 from 3.4.1.
- CustomSearch: Fixed use of Lookup fields as custom search parameters.
- CustomView: Fixed the issue with the "My Layout" not saving.
- ExcelExport: Fixed null handling.
- ExcelExport: Improved automatic type handling, including images.
- Focus: Fixes to improve the focus shift to the form on row click.
- Focus: Updated to set the focus to QuickSearch if no active form.
- FormCache: Fixed handling of new records on refresh.
- Help: Added help text to "My Layout" button.
- Help: Trimmed Informational Fields.
- Home: Added classes to HTML to allow for better styling.
- Import: Trim input and lookup values.
- Layout: Added a CSS class and set default styling to mark My Layout. Q&A
- Licensing: Ensure critical License/Version errors are not hidden for SSO users.
- Licensing: Fixed handling and reporting of Support Expiry.
- LogOut: Added a confirmation before logout. Q&A
- LogViewer: Minor layout fixes.
- NoPK: Fixed delete/update row security on tables without a PK.
- NoPK: Optional ability to update duplicate records using RowLimit.
- OpenUrl: Fixed handling of complex URLs that appeared to include parameters.
- Report: Extended automatic field rename handling to reports. Q&A
- SMTP/WebRequest: Support all system available SSL protocols. (e.g. TLS 1.3, +)
- SQLServer: Fixed handling of new rows when PK is generated type of numeric(x).
- Table: Any change to the table config now automatically reloads the screen.
- Table: Updated "No matching row found" to "No single matching row found". Q&A
- TableOnly: Fixed TableOnly layout for child tables.
- UI: Fixed FireFox error triggered by the updated jQuery libraries.
- UI: Fixed issues where Form would revert to a New record after update.
- UI: Improved Refresh Handling for both the Form and Table.
- UI: Upgraded to jQueryUI 1.13.2 from 1.12.1.
- URL: When deep-linking dbFront will use the best connection for the user/database/table.
dbFront Version: 1.2.4
2022-11-22 - dbFront Version:, Stable
7 new features
- Attachments: Added support for Email (.eml) attachments. Q&A
- Backups: Ability to view, compare and restore configuration backups.
- Expressions: Add {%databasekey%} as an expression. Used when creating app URLs.
- Reporting: Moved Reports into regular config to simplify config export/import.
- SSH: Automatically reconnect as required + Keepalive.
- SSH: SSH support for MySQL. Username/Password and/or PrivateKey/Password. Q&A
- Table: Ability to reset all configuration at the table level.
16 new fixes
- Backup: Fixed issue restoring backups without reports.
- Backups: Fixed issue with excess backups.
- Export: Changed export to split out the database attributes for simpler compare.
- Help: Fixed issue with Sidebar help failing if there was another error.
- Home: Fixed config import/export for actions and reports buttons.
- HtmlEdit: Fixed HTML Edit in Popup dialogs.
- HtmlEdit: Increased the minimum size of HtmlEdit widgets.
- Lookups: Fixed issue with MultiSelect fields.
- Oracle: Updates to help track down/log errors.
- Profile: Find Profile table even if schema is missing.
- Reporting: Improved detection of template file changes.
- Reporting: Improved handling of invalid/missing templates.
- Reset/Restore: Fixed ability to purge old cached table config.
- SQLServer: Recognize and warn about DB corruption.
- URL: Ignore Hidden Databases when doing a lookup by database name.
- Validation: Skip validation on new records until data is changed.
dbFront Version: 1.2.2
2022-09-26 - dbFront Version:, Stable
15 new fixes
- Config: Ensure the ForceServerLookup flag is included in Export/Import.
- Config: Truncate excessively large deserialization error messages
- Delete: Fixed issue with child record error on primary row delete.
- Expressions: Trim expressions before use.
- HomeScreen: Handle invalid config silently.
- Layout: Apply style fix to database home page.
- Layout: Fixed issue with hidden fields affecting layout.
- Profile: Ensure named db schema is loaded before profile access.
- Profile: Fixed profile creation with Audit fields.
- Profile: Fixed profile table lookup.
- Readme: Updated Readme with more Login help.
- URL: Fixed lookup for invalid databases.
- URL: Ignore hidden databases when doing a lookup by database name.
- Views: Fixed handling of field duplicates caused by views.
- Views: Fixed view queries to eliminate key errors.
2022-07-19 - dbFront Version:, Feature
15 new features
- CrystalReports: Able to return multiple types: csv, doc, pdf, rtf, tsv, xls.
- CrystalReports: Added the ability to run Crystal Reports. See: CrystalReports
- CrystalReports: Optionally print Crystal Reports to a Server Printer.
- Excel: Updated OpenXml.
- GridEdit: The RowCSS now immediately refreshes with grid data changes.
- LDAP: Added ability to set LDAP filter for ADFS. Q&A
- OpenURL: Allow "file://c:\filepath\file.pdf" to resolve to a Local Download. Q&A
- OpenURL: Local Download limited to specific "safe" file types.
- OpenURL: Settings configure Allowed Local FilePaths. e.g. c:\filepath\*.pdf
- Oracle: Updated Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.
- Settings: Optionally block the ability to export/import data from the Admin database screen. Q&A
- Table: TableHeaders will float above the data when the page is scrolled down.
- TableTabs: Child Tabs now show a row count for 1-1 relationships. Q&A
- TableTabs: Child Tabs now show a row count for 1-M relationships. Q&A
- Themes: Added a clean/flat version of standard themes by clearing background images.
27 new fixes
- Button: Fixed expression based (e.g. %username%) button visibility.
- Cleanup the error messages by stripping duplication.
- CrystalReports: Additional CrystalReportHelper Param Help.
- CrystalReports: Deeper logging.
- CrystalReports: Extended Credential Logging and Help.
- CrystalReports: Fixed ability to allow user report destination selection.
- CrystalReports: Warn of invalid extensions.
- Debug: Extra error detail when rendering table properties.
- Debug: Include ServerKey in connection dialog.
- Fixed invalid error when checking RunProcedure arguments.
- FollowMeHelp: Fix the FollowMeHelp in tables.
- GridCSS: Fixed issue accessing empty CSS values.
- HomeScreen: Added FollowMeHelp.
- Layout: Fixed gear-icon positioning. Q&A
- Layout: Fixed lookup button sizing.
- LogViewer: Corrected error classification.
- LogViewer: Fixed issue of Login Screen not appearing after session expiry.
- Lookups: Fixed handling of renamed lookup display and sort columns. Q&A
- MySql: Fixed FullText search when using multiple or non-matching indexes.
- OpenURL: Ensure local download errors do not reveal the full file path.
- OpenURL: Fixed write access requirement for download files.
- ProfileFields: Fixed issues loading correct profile field values in HomeScreen.
- PromptFields: Fixed issue saving non-passthrough prompt fields.
- Select: Fixed issues with selecting a required config item.
- Settings: Fixed handling of empty LdapFilter.
- Settings: Improved LDAP Filter validation.
- Templates: Added main title text-shadow to ensure visibility on some templates.
dbFront Version: 1.2.1
2022-02-04 - dbFront Version:, Feature
24 new features
- CSS/Column: Assign a Field's CSS class to its grid column for column-specific layout. Q&A
- CSS/Grid: Support multiple pipe | separated, CSS class names. See: Table-Row-Styling
- GridEditing: Added support for GridEditing on tables with Row Security.
- HomeScreen: Expand profile expressions in the content HTML.
- HomeScreen: Improved Default.
- HomeScreen: List selected action buttons as reports.
- HomeScreen: List selected action buttons that don't require an active record.
- HomeScreen: List selected multi-row reports.
- HomeScreen: List selected tables.
- HomeScreen: New database home screen with a menu item and customizable title and content.
- HomeScreen: Now supports {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- HomeScreen: Respect visibility expressions on action buttons.
- HomeScreen: Sanitize the home screen HTML when saving.
- Menu: Optionally move the Database menu into the home screen.
- MyLayout: Add ability to manage Custom Layout access.
- MyLayout: Allow users to create/edit their own version of a table's layout. Q&A
- MyLayout: Users can easily switch between the default and custom layouts.
- OpenURL/WebGet: Added option to load a table field from an external URL. See: WebGet
- PageFooter: Now supports {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- System: The site warning or error can now be discarded. Still visible in the System Monitor.
- WebGet: Optionally parse JSON requests using JsonPath. See: WebGet
- WebGet: Optionally parse XML requests using XPath. See: WebGet
- WebGet: WebGet is now a firstclass button type. See: WebGet
- WebRequest: Renamed WebGet to WebRequest.
47 new fixes
- 1-1: Fixed loading 1-1 rel forms on first table row.
- 1-1: Fixed reloading 1-1 rel forms after parent save.
- Advanced: Debug Mode now provides advanced Server/Driver details.
- Advanced: Moved Server/Driver information below databases + improved layout.
- CSS/Field: Fixed message returned if invalid characters were entered for the CSS class.
- Config: Corrected config error messages to provide correct detail.
- Config: Corrected grid config error message to provide correct error source.
- Config: Fixed detection of new columns and placement on Forms (AppendToForm).
- Config: Fixed handling of invalid config that could block dbFront access.
- Debugging: Improved internal monitoring and logging.
- Dialogues: Standardize button order on dialogs.
- Dropdowns: Removed ">None<" option from required lookups.
- Editing: Fixed editing child records where the FK is not contained in the PK and not visible.
- Editing: Fixed editing child records where the FK was not contained in the PK and not visible.
- Expressions: Fixed testing of SQL expressions when the PK can't be compared with "0".
- GridEditing: Fixed errors when lookup field in grid but not form.
- Html: Fixed Custom Html formatting.
- Html: Updated HTML validation on help and template fields.
- Html: Updated the internal HTML parser/sanitizer/formatter.
- Import: Fixed ability to apply table views on import.
- Import: Include SQL for GRANTs with table creation.
- Import: Skip creation of relationships for missing objects.
- Layout: Fixed extra space above table when table-beside-detail was collapsed.
- LayoutGroups: Fixed layout issue where extra-wide Lookup or Multi-Select fields could mess up the layout.
- LayoutGroups: Fixed support for Multi-Select fields.
- License: Fixed Prompt for the license if invalid or expired.
- Lookup: Remove invalid sort fields and warnings from the multi-select config dialog.
- Menu: Fixed responsive main menu.
- MultiSelect: Improved warning about non-defaulted required attribute fields.
- MySQL: Fallback if driver doesn't support .BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel)
- MySql: Fix to correct or discard invalid relationships.
- MySql: Fix to correct or discard invalid relationships.
- MySql: Fixed FullText search when using multiple or non-matching indexes.
- Numeric: Fixed ability to update a null numeric value.
- OpenUrl: Fixed ability to open URLs on read-only records.
- Oracle: Added lock around loading of defaults.
- PDFForm: Fixed ability to create PDFs on read-only records.
- SQLServer: Fixed calculated columns detection.
- Search: Skip searching columns for numeric values that don't fit.
- SingleSignOn: Update URLs containing "@HASH@" to "#" and redirect to handle URL fragments lost due to SSO redirect.
- System: Fixed layout issues with the site messages.
- TableGrid: Added DIV around Table Grid to enable the configured CSS class name.
- TableGrid: Show a loading dialog if a grid takes longer the 1/2 a second to load, also applies to search.
- Update: Fixed ability to update rows on tables without a PK and containing a calculate column.
- WebClient: Better error handling on invalid lookups.
- WebClient: Improved error handling and logging to server.
- WebUI: Fixed Heading on Collapsible Groups
dbFront Version: 1.1.5
2022-07-14 - dbFront Version:, Stable
2 new fixes
- Button: Fixed expression based (e.g. %username%) button visibility.
- Layout: Fixed Gear, Lookup, Max positioning. Q&A
2022-01-26 - dbFront Version:, Stable
10 new fixes
- 1-1: Fixed loading 1-1 rel forms on first table row.
- 1-1: Fixed reloading 1-1 rel forms after parent save.
- Config: Corrected grid config error message to provide correct error source.
- Config: Fixed handling of invalid config that could block dbFront access.
- Editing: Fixed editing child records where the FK is not contained in the PK and not visible.
- GridEditing: Fixed errors when lookup field in grid but not form.
- Import: Fixed ability to apply table views on import.
- MySQL: Fallback if driver doesn't support .BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel)
- MySql: Fix to correct or discard invalid relationships.
- WebClient: Better error handling on invalid lookups.
2021-11-11 - dbFront Version:, Feature
10 new features
- Decimals: Improved Decimal handling and ability to set Decimal rounding. Q&A
- Licensing: Alternate License codes to accommodate ComponentSource & FastSpring.
- Licensing: FREE license limited to 3 users with referrals to add more. See: Referrals
- Licensing: Removed the Object Limit for FREE licenses.
- Licensing: Removed the View Limit for FREE licenses.
- Licensing: Removed the View Limit for PRO licenses.
- Search: Add admin setting (FullLikeRowLimit) to set max table size for full-like searches. e.g. '%value%'. Q&A
- Search: Improved composite searches covering both regular and fulltext indexes.
- Search: Improved handling of quoted keywords.
- Structure: Prompt for page refresh if structure changes are detected.
11 new fixes
- BigInteger: Fixed handling of very large integer values (database driver limitation)
- IE: Fixed IE-11 error when resizing grid and details.
- Insert: Fixed Insert not finding new record due to a complex key and use of view fields.
- Licensing: Corrected application of FREE license.
- Menu: Improved error handling around Menu issues.
- MySql: Fixed Full-Text search regression.
- Numeric: Fixed a regression that broke the ability to update a null numeric value.
- SQL: More concise SQL queries by reusing parameters.
- Sessions: Fixed a regression that prevented session errors from opening the login dialog.
- Stability: Improved null handling due to code review.
- Structure: Fixed regression with some column renames not correctly updating after a structure change.
dbFront Version: 1.1.4
2021-08-24 - dbFront Version:, Feature
15 new features
- Caching: Ability to disable internal caching for externally updated tables.
- Fulltext: Added support for Full-Text indexes to dbFront. See: Fulltext-Search
- Fulltext: Default includes basic Stem searching similar to the LIKE "word%"
- GridEditing: Optionally allow Grid changes to save immediately to the database. Q&A
- GridEditing: Optionally mark individual Grid fields as [Default, ReadOnly, or Editable].
- GridEditing: Use db prefs to mark GridEditing as [Disabled, SaveToCache, or SaveToDatabase].
- MySQL: Support: "Default", "Boolean", "Natural Language" and "Query Expansion" Full-Text Search.
- Oracle: Support: "Default" and "Contains" Oracle Text Search.
- ProfileFields: Use Profile fields in Button or Layout visibility expressions. Q&A
- Reseller: Support reseller integration.
- SQL Server: Support: "Default", "Contains" and "FreeText" Full-Text Search.
- StoredProcedure: Added OpenUrl option to ServerRequest. See: Results
- StoredProcedure: Updated OpenTable to add Target option [Redirect, NewTab, Dialog].
- UrlField: Optionally display Url field as Link. Q&A
- UrlField: Optionally display Url field as inline iFrame or Image. Q&A
33 new fixes
- Attachment: Ensure Attachments are still visible even if not configured.
- BarCodeField: Fixed ability to change field layout.
- Caching: Correctly cache both active and unused Profiles.
- Caching: Fix excessive database requests for profile when caching disabled.
- Config: Prevent usage of localhost as the authentication server name.
- Data: Improved handling of excessively long integer values.
- DateField: Set FirstDayOfWeek based on System configuration. Q&A
- DateTime: Improved DateTime recognition.
- Editing: Require a saved parent record before allowing child edits.
- Excel: Fixed server formatted numeric columns in Excel exports.
- Filtering: Fixed filtering logic when both Advanced and Simple search used together.
- FullText: Correctly Quote and Alias fields.
- GridEditing: Fix JSON errors on readonly lookup columns.
- Groups: Fixed so that mixed case search of groups works consistently.
- Indexes: Error Handling around missing fields.
- Indexes: Fixed handling of non-unique index names (MySQL and Oracle).
- Locking: Ensure that all empty queries for SQLServer/MySQL structure are run as "ReadUncommitted" to avoid unnecessary locks. Oracle does not support "ReadUncommitted".
- Oracle: Fixed Default Oracle-Text Search logic.
- Oracle: Updated Oracle-Text index detection.
- Performance: Cache filtered rowcounts for 3 minutes or until change.
- Performance: Simplify filtered rowcount queries and remove unnecessary joins.
- QueryCache: Parameterize the paging values to improve QueryCache usage.
- Reporting: Fixed child column data in both Multiline and SingleRow reports.
- Reporting: Fixed child field data selection if a Child PK was used.
- SQL Server: Fix handling of boolean procedure parameters.
- SQLServer: Correctly display 2019 compatibility mode.
- SQLServer: Fixed formatting of default FullText Search for prefixes.
- SQLServer: Use fixed parameter sizes to improve QueryCache usage.
- UI: CSS fixes to cleanup field selection config UI.
- UI: Ensure that the field class is also applied to text editors.
- UI: Fixed About dialog so it correctly links to the ReleaseHistory.
- Visibility: Ensure that visibility expressions are case insensitive.
- Visibility: Improved expression error handling.
dbFront Version: 1.1.2
2021-04-08 - dbFront Version:, Feature
9 new features
- ConfigBackup: Ability to export obfuscated data. Q&A
- ConfigBackup: Ability to export selected tables. Q&A
- Header: Add profile fields to the Site Header HTML. e.g. {profile[FieldName]}
- Help: Set a HelpURL for each table allowing custom external sidebar help.
- Import: Allow data import from Excel(xlsx) files.
- LogViewer: Oversized logfiles now truncated to the last 5000 lines.
- RunProcedure: Optionally create a Export (csv, xlsx) from Stored Procedures.
- RunProcedure: Optionally print/download a Quick Report from Stored Procedures. Q&A
- UI: Any configured database logos will appear in the user menu.
15 new fixes
- ActionButton: Allow Buttons with PassThrough fields on read-only records.
- MassUpdate: Fixed layout issue.
- Menu: Tables are now sorted by Caption instead of by name.
- MimeType: Fixed detection of tiny inputs.
- Report/Export: Improved handling of Blob objects that are not images.
- Reporting: Fixed CSV export bug.
- Reporting: Fixed PrinterName selection on multiple output types.
- Search: Search performance improvements on large tables
- Security: Log if users without a SAMAccountName are found.
- Settings: Ensure that fresh setting are loaded immediately after setting update.
- Settings: Reset the Profile cache when saving settings.
- Template: Ignore split template fields in scripts.
- Themes: Fixed incorrect (CDN) marker on local themes.
- UI: Faster Reload of Dialog Tabs
- UI: Fixed Loading dialog.
dbFront Version: 1.1.1
2021-03-27 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Reporting: Fixed CSV export bug
2021-03-15 - dbFront Version:, Feature
17 new features
- Export: Include DB native types in export.
- Import: Attempt to use native types when generating structures.
- Import: Generate SQL for missing fields.
- LogViewer: Updated layout. Sort reverse chronological order.
- Reporting: Enhanced ability to provide sample data for the report template.
- Core: Update to DotNet 4.7.2
- GridEdit: The Field focus marker will turn orange instead of blue if the field is editable.
- Import: Optionally skip database identifiers [caption, description, group, logo, css, template].
- Monitor: Additional server stats and alerts if appropriate.
- Reporting: Optionally supply suitable sample data for the Report Templates.
- Security: Ability to search for users and groups.
- Security: Can now request a immediate refresh of users, groups and SIDs.
- Security: Support for very large Active Directories (100,000+ members).
- Security: The Denied user access setting automatically drops other access.
- Security: Users and Groups used during configuration are cached for 10 minutes.
- UI: Force browsers to retrieve custom CSS file updates.
- Visibility: Enhanced Expression options for Field and Button visibility
60 new fixes
- Import: Better at reusing original relationship names.
- Import: Improved relationship matching logic.
- Import: Optionally strip references to missing views.
- MySQL: Attempt to reuse Native MySQL types for table creation.
- Oracle: Attempt to reuse Native Oracle types for table creation.
- Schema: Improved Schema name handling.
- Security: Additional help if user list truncated.
- Security: Fix to get correct group member details.
- Security: Rebuilt LDAP method to retrieve group members.
- Security: Updated default AD Timeout to 120 seconds.
- Session: Gracefully handle browsers that block sessions and cookies.
- SqlServer: Improved default support.
- Tables/Views: Gracefully handle tables/views without any valid fields.
- Browser: Force browser to load latest resource versions.
- ChildTables: Ensure that hidden join fields are available for insert and update.
- Config: Detect invalid ServicePort values (80, 443).
- Config: Fixed handling of deleted fields on view changes.
- ConfigBackup: Fix handling of empty databases.
- ConfigBackup: Fixed handling of databases without tables.
- ConfigBackup: Improved efficiency, reduced memory, and moved to a separate thread.
- CopyRecord: Carry forward lookup display values when copying records.
- Databases: Fixed visibility of newly added databases.
- ExelExport: Fixed ability to access Excel template if other outputs also selected.
- Export/Import: Fixed ability to transfer M2M rel config between servers.
- Export: Ensure nulls are exported as nulls.
- GridEdit: Corrected Boolean handling.
- GridEdit: Correctly disable lookups on read-only tables.
- GridEdit: Fixed application of ReadOnly user connection access.
- GridEdit: Fixed row select when GridEditing disabled.
- GridEdit: Only allow grid editing of simple lookups with a RowCount <= 2000.
- GridEditing: Disable GridEditing in IE due to incompatibilities.
- Guid: Fixed conversion issue passing uniqueidentifiers to stored procedures.
- IE11: Added polyfill to fix IE 11 support.
- IE11: Fixed Syntax issue with function declaration ()=>{} to function (){}
- IE11: More fixes to provide backward compatibility to IE.
- Import: Ensure the user understands that DDL is minimal and not exacting.
- Import: Fixed ability to insert into/set AutoIncrement fields.
- Import: Force updated table row counts to ensure that import displays correct messages.
- Install: Include core VirusTotal hashes and link.
- KeyBoard: Ensure that keyboard save (Cntrl S) finds the current form.
- Logging: Improved and more consistent SQL debug logging including query timings.
- Lookups: Fixed handling of cached empty server lookups.
- Lookups: Fixed handling of server lookups that keyed on non-PK fields.
- Lookups: Fixed issues with using GUIDs as M-M lookup keys.
- Oracle: Fix to correctly handle function-based indexes.
- Oracle: Fixed Oracle 19 compatibility.
- Oracle: Fixed performance while retrieving table structure updates.
- Readme: Updated to include Release History.
- Reporting: Fixed issue creating custom fields.
- SMTP: Recover gracefully if the SMTP password can't be unencrypted.
- SaveButton: Ensure that the Parent Save button is updated after a child save.
- Security: Truncate security debug logs to only provide a representative sample.
- Stability: Configurable internal locking.
- Stability: Reworked internal locking to improve performance and stability.
- System: Fixed memory calculation for Monitor.
- System: Improved AD caching and usage.
- System: Moved AD validation tests to an alternate thread.
- UI: Added 'Loading' UI when opening any database or settings dialogue.
- UI: Fixed Splitter bar edge cases.
- UI: Fixed arrow position on Advanced Search.
dbFront Version: 1.1.0
2020-10-28 - dbFront Version:, Feature
19 new features
- Attachments: Add support for the RTF document type.
- Browser: Now use MomentJS for browser date handling.
- ExcelExport: Export around formula fields to allow for calculations and charts.
- ExcelExport: Export to an Excel xslx template. See: ExcelTemplates
- ExcelExport: Optionally export to a specific sheet and range.
- GridEditing: Disable grid editing if row or table security prevents updates.
- GridEditing: Replaced 'selected' column class with 'focus' as used by the grid editing.
- Keyboard: CNTRL-Enter or SHIFT-CNTRL-S to save and open a new record. See: Keyboard
- Layout: Added Splitter between Table and Details beside table.
- Layout: Change default layout to TableBesideDetails.
- Locking: Enable OnEdit locking. See: RecordLocking
- Table: Ability to use a table/view column to specify a Row CSS class. See: Table-Row-Styling
- TableGrid: Grid Editing is now supported for most basic types.
- TableGrid: Unsaved changes now better reflected in TableGrid.
- Trial: Removed View limit in Trial version.
- Widgets: Add TimeZoneEditing to the DateTimePicker.
- Widgets: Replaced jQueryUI Date and Trent Richardson TimePicker widget.
- Widgets: Updated libraries (Select2, MomentJS,, +++)
36 new fixes
- Core: Fixed table.idx & database.idx locking.
- Dates: Fixed "Invalid Date" errors.
- Editing: Fixed handing of reverted field changes.
- Expressions: Improved error messages with invalid expressions concatenation.
- FIPS: Initial work on FIPS compliance
- Formatting: Refactor the Field Handling when dealing with formatted data.
- GridEdit: Fixed Editing speed by removing full table retrieve.
- GridEdit: Fixed capture of primary record changes.
- GridEdit: Fixed confusion caused by excess mouse clicks.
- GridEdit: Fixed prompt to "Save or Discard" on primary records.
- GridEdit: Improved ability to use keyboard only while editing.
- GridEdit: Recreate Lookup Cache if expired.
- GridEdit: Reject invalid cache changes.
- GridEdit: Retain cell focus after saving a change made via the table grid.
- GridEditing: Fix 'Invalid Date' after editing.
- GridEditing: Fixed consistency with Boolean display.
- GridEditing: Fixes for record locking.
- GridEditing: Handle editable grid fields not found in form.
- GridEditing: Handle grid returning fields that should not be editable.
- Help: Fixed help on Lookup Fields
- Html: Fixes to HtmlSanitizer to improve cleaning.
- Logging: Updates to startup logging.
- Lookup: Fixed use of child field names instead of parent on cascading lookups.
- Migration: Fixes to facilitate migrating to 1.1.0
- OnEdit: Fixes to OnEdit record locking.
- Public: Allow public page to be imbedded in an iFrame from another domain.
- Public: Fixes so that a public user never sees a login screen.
- RecordLocking: Fixed regression that caused a tested lock to be cleared.
- Relationship: Fixed a regression that caused the loss of older configuration.
- RowSecurity: Fixed 1.1 regression that broke editing of RowSecurity expressions.
- Security: Change missing AD Forest to a warning.
- Sessions: Better handling of expired or dropped sessions.
- Settings: Fixed enabling/disabling alerts.
- Settings: Improved error handling.
- SplitterBar: Cleanup errors due to older browsers.
- TableView: Missing Column Error on table with View and sort.
dbFront Version: 1.0.15
2021-03-16 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Reporting: Fixed issue creating custom fields.
2020-12-18 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Oracle: Fixed bug obtaining Oracle 19 server details.
2020-10-30 - dbFront Version:, Stable
3 new fixes
- Lookup: Fixed use of child field names instead of parent on cascading lookups.
- Release packages now include VirusTotal hashes and Updated readme
- TableView: Missing Column Error on table with View and sort.
2020-09-25 - dbFront Version:, Feature
6 new fixes
- Dates: Fixed "Invalid Date" errors.
- Help: Fixed help on Lookup Fields
- Html: Fixed the Html sanitizer to improve Html validation.
- Migration: Fixes to help when migrating to 1.1.0 including support for newer license keys.
- Public: Fixes so that a public user never sees a login screen.
- Relationship: Fixed a regression that caused the loss of older configuration.
2020-06-10 - dbFront Version:, Feature
4 new features
- ActionButtons: Allow some ActionButtons without a selected record.
- Attachments: Set FileNameField with name of uploaded file.
- FileTypes: Added support for the Visio (vsd, vsdx) file types.
- SingleSignOn: Save authentication email on profile creation.
21 new fixes
- Logging: Enhanced logging to help debug startup failures.
- Logging: Fix cases where an incomplete error stack was logged.
- Profiles: Correctly handle profile values that are also lookup values.
- ActionButtons: Fixed ability to click on Buttons with an unchanged blank row present.
- ActiveDirectory: Fixed AD group performance, especially when debugging.
- Attachments: Fixed issue uploading attachments with non-unique magic numbers.
- AzureSSO: Improved email address retrieval from authentication.
- CanInsert: Correctly clear unset CanInsert security.
- Changes: Improved change detection.
- CreateLookup: Fixed lookup generation to use native data types.
- DeleteRow: Fixed ability to Delete without requiring Update access.
- Expressions: Fixed handling of missing expression values.
- FileTypes: Improved FileType detection and usage.
- Insert: Fixed FormCache error on double create new.
- Layout: Fixes for grouped field layout.
- MySql: Use count(KeyFieldName) where possible to improve count() performance.
- RowSecurity: Update the CanDelete and CanUpdate config UI to require a PK.
- RunProcedure: Run procedures without require a save of new unchanged records.
- SSL: Fixed HTTP CDN theme URL.
- SingleSignOn: Fixed handling of blocked referrer URL on Logout.
- SingleSignOn: Fixed page session expiry logic while running SSO.
2020-05-04 - dbFront Version:, Feature
13 new features
- ActionButton: Allow RunProcedure action to trigger table open.
- ActionButton: Don't require row-selection to enable buttons if parameters are expressions.
- Authentication: Better feedback if invalid usernames/domains are specified.
- Cascading: Allow cascading lookups against non-lookup fields.
- Core: Updated to latest jQuery 3.4.1
- CssFile: Automatically test and correct CSS filenames.
- LoginDetails: Now always available.
- LogoFile: Automatically test and correct Logo filenames.
- M-M: Ability to single select using a M-M relationship to define the valid options.
- Reporting: Moved printing from WebApp to Service.
- RunProcedure: Suggest checking for SP access if not found.
- RunProcedure: Trim procedure name before saving.
- SQL: To help debug performance issue, SQL logging now includes duration.
17 new fixes
- AdvancedSearch: Fix weird refresh on filter save/reload.
- AdvancedSearch: Fixed incorrect empty selections.
- Cascading: Account for cascading lookups when setting default field order.
- Expressions: Fixed regression caused by updated field quoting.
- Formatting: Fixed formatting of base Date datatypes to exclude time information.
- HTML: Removed invalid closing tags.
- Lookups: Fixed parent updates failing to reset cascading children.
- Profile: Ensure static data is available for profile lookup fields.
- RecordLocking: Improved record hash uniqueness to correct number of records locked.
- Relationships: Shorten generated relationship names.
- Reporting: Fixed incorrect printing label.
- Schema: Allow using duplicate relationship constraint names between schemas.
- Setup: Extended Group field names to 64 characters.
- SingleSignOn: Corrected AzureAD group retrieval, also works for the Free AzureAD.
- SingleSignOn: Fixed application of privileges to SSO users.
- StaticData: M-M relationship changes now also trigger lookup refreshes.
- TablePref: Better error message if duplicate relationship hash on save.
dbFront Version: 1.0.14
2020-03-19 - dbFront Version:, Stable
7 new features
- PenetrationTesting: Changes to facilitate Penetration Testing.
- SingleSignOn: Ability for an SSO Admin to edit non-SSO connections.
- SysLog: Ability to set a SysLog Logging Level to reduce SysLog output.
- Backups: Warn if dbFront configuration files have not been backed up.
- CommandTimeout: Ability to configure a separate command timeout for each database connection. Q&A
- Settings: Migrated settings out of web.config, now editable via the settings UI. See: ConfigMigrate
- Settings: Site and Database logo settings apply to Login, Page Header and Reports.
22 new fixes
- Dates: Fixed InvalidDate bug with tables that don't contain a key.
- Email: Allow testing with email address up to 59 characters.
- FormLayout: Fix Column Layout in Chrome and "New Edge"
- Logging: Cleanup some unnecessary logging.
- PenetrationTest: Renamed SessionExpiry cookie to avoid invalid test results.
- RemberMe: Fixed regression that broke RememberMe
- SQLServer: Fixed ability to insert into key fields requiring a defined length.
- Setup: Fixed ability to remotely edit settings if Server Admin and Setup not locked.
- TableViews: Fixed Tooltips on TableViews.
- TimeSpan: Fixed handling of native TimeSpan columns.
- jQuery: Library Update
- Boolean: Show 'X' in the table for false boolean values.
- ConfigXML: Better handling of invalid XML config files.
- FormLayout: Fixed group containers breaking across columns.
- Layout: Fixed oversized table caption breaking layout.
- Layout: Fixed truncated content in short fields due to wide characters.
- Lookups: Fixed prompt on cascading dropdowns.
- MassUpdate: Fixed handing of dropped fields.
- SQLServer: Fixed compare issue with depreciated datatype 'NTEXT'.
- SQLServer: Fixed len() issue with depreciated datatype 'IMAGE'.
- Settings: Improved error handling when loading service settings.
- Theme: Fixes to handle an invalid theme.
2020-01-24 - dbFront Version:, Feature
8 new fixes
- Authentication: Require the removal of the "." user domain + Online Help
- PDFForms: Fixed licensing.
- Reporting: Fix "required" filter ranges.
- Reporting: Fix output selection.
- SMTP: Removed requirement for SMTP login password.
- SingleSignOn: More specific error messages.
- SingleSignOn: Show failed SSO authentication attempts + Retry option.
- UpdateCheck: Corrected failure messages.
2020-01-08 - dbFront Version:, Feature
3 new features
- About: Access version release notes from About screen.
- Attachments: Configure the fieldname that stores the filename.
- SQLServer: Improved FileTable support.
5 new fixes
- Attachments: Enable save button on attachment upload.
- Attachments: Fixed FileType extension handling issue for unknown types.
- SQLServer: Use Native Data Type when retrieving inserted key values.
- SingleSignOn: Updated help.
- Tooltips: Restore tooltips broken by a regression.
2019-12-20 - dbFront Version:, Feature
15 new features
- Admin: Ability to trigger an email alert to administrators.
- Admin: Weekly/Daily emailed admin report including stats and status information.
- Config: Ensure that procedures are valid and accessible at configuration time.
- Config: Ensure that the database authentication procedure is valid at config time.
- Email: Ability to configure and test SMTP settings within dbFront.
- MassUpdates: Improved logging in case audit information is needed.
- Admin: Monitor screen now includes summary statistics.
- Dropdowns: Add ability to filter dropdown values.
- Dropdowns: Lookup items that are filtered but used will be marked as deleted.
- SingleSignOn: Add ability to set a logout redirect URL.
- SingleSignOn: Added SAML 2 based SSO functionality.
- SingleSignOn: Can setup a SSO Group to grant full Admin privileges.
- SingleSignOn: Can use SSO Groups to manage connection Update / Read access.
- SingleSignOn: Enabling SSO disables Windows and Database authentication.
- SingleSignOn: Request full login after logoff. (Not all SSO vendors support)
14 new fixes
- MySQL: Recognize and alert for missing SELECT permission on [mysql.proc]
- PasswordFields: Permit changing record contents without having to reenter password fields.
- Tables: Improve handing when all table columns are renamed or removed.
- Tables: Recognize when a filter change causes the table page to become invalid.
- Dropdowns: Fixed ability to set dropdown sort order.
- Dropdowns: Fixed broken type ahead for dropdowns within dialogs.
- Layout: Fix issues with CSS classnames being dropped during render.
- MySQL: Revert SSL mode as it broke existing Non-SSL sites.
- MySQL: Set Connection SSL-Mode to Required for testing.
- SQLServer: Pass Null stored procedure params as DBNull.
- Setting: Fix fields that were not disabled in read-only view.
- SingleSignOn: Cosmetic fixes.
- SingleSignOn: Improved logging and help.
- Table: Fixed invalid "No data on page 1, please select a previous page"
dbFront Version: 1.0.13
2019-10-21 - dbFront Version:, Feature
15 new features
- Importing: Identify missing keyfields if Update or Import&Update
- Importing: Identify missing required fields if Import or Import&Update
- Login: Trim space from around username at login.
- Reporting: Ability to set template margins in inches.
- Reporting: Create and supply a default caption for quick reports.
- Reporting: Include 4 report templates with install.
- Reporting: Lock PrinterName and PageSize for Single-Click report printing.
- Reporting: Preload default Papersizes even if no printer drivers available or accessible.
- Reporting: Print directly to any server attached printer by name.
- Reporting: Print tab added to settings to manage available printers.
- Reporting: Report Header and Footer support updated.
- Reporting: Set orientation and size on all PDF or printed outputs.
- Reporting: Template Preview at template selection.
- Reporting: Template Preview in Editor is now 100% accurate.
- Reporting: Updated HTML rendering engine.
12 new fixes
- AdvancedSearch: Reverted optimization that broke advanced search.
- Importing: Correctly identify fields based on caseless name or caption part or whole.
- Profile: Trap error if both ProfileID and ProfileCaption use the same field.
- Reporting: Clear Template selection when not need to avoid errors.
- Reporting: Ensure generated PDFs are only cached if identical.
- Reporting: Fix Template issue of default values returning after a null is saved.
- Reporting: Fixed ability to manage Report child field details.
- Reporting: Fixed duplicate template custom fields handling.
- Reporting: Fixed missing or invalid templates handling.
- Reporting: Fixed page size entry at report time.
- Reporting: Move Template Images to Template folder.
- Reporting: Quote suggested attachment filename.
dbFront Version: 1.0.12
2019-11-20 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Oracle: Pass True/False as 1/0 to avoid boolean conversion issues.
2019-10-31 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Importing: Continue import even if a forward/reverse lookup can't be created.
2019-10-21 - dbFront Version:, Feature
3 new features
- Importing: Identify missing keyfields if Update or Import&Update
- Importing: Identify missing required fields if Import or Import&Update
- Login: Trim space from around username at login.
2 new fixes
- Importing: Correctly identify fields based on caseless name or caption part or whole.
- Reporting: Fixed ability to manage Report child field details.
2019-09-26 - dbFront Version:, Feature
5 new features
- MySQL: Tested with new 8.xx connectors
- QuickImport: Allow for "Import Only", "Update Only", and "Update or Import"
- QuickImport: Allow lookup handing on text and other field types.
- QuickImport: Ignore casing on field names.
- QuickImport: Trim Inputs to improve matching.
2 new fixes
- CopyRecord: Fixed issue on MySQL where coping a record would clear all lookup fields.
- QuickImport: Fixed lookup handling.
2019-09-07 - dbFront Version:, Feature
2 new features
- Barcodes: New ability to format fields as barcodes on forms and reports.
- Import: Imported values on lookup fields can now match on lookup key values or display values.
4 new fixes
- Nulls: Fix occasional issue with quoting of null values.
- QuickPrint: Fixed template selection.
- Visibility: Correctly compare numeric values client side.
- Visibility: Fixed visibility issues due to missing fields.
dbFront Version: 1.0.11
2019-08-28 - dbFront Version:, Feature
21 new features
- ActionButtons: Buttons can now prompt users for additional information before processing.
- AdvancedSearch: Search for both blanks and nulls when looking for empty values.
- Debug: The debug flags can now be set and cleared from the Settings UI without restarting.
- DeepLinking: Link directly to any record using the primary key. See: DeepLinking
- Fields: User help / Tooltips can now be added to all fields.
- Fields: User help also available for disabled fields.
- Fields: Visibility can now be controlled by adding fields to Layout Groups.
- LayoutGroups: Add, remove, and rearrange fields in Layout Group editor.
- LayoutGroups: Conditional visibility can be Server based or Browser based.
- LayoutGroups: Create collapsible Layout Groups. Either Start Open or Start Closed.
- LayoutGroups: Easily reposition Layout Groups relative to existing fields.
- LayoutGroups: Hidden layout groups are still partially visible for Admins.
- LayoutGroups: Layout groups now have conditional visibility.
- MassUpdate: Now treats blanks and nulls as empty for both searches and updates.
- RecordLocking: Admins can now remove record locks from the System Monitor screen.
- Settings: Can now manage almost all Service settings including the debugging flags.
- Tooltips: Tooltips used to expose the full object names when truncated in dialogs.
- UserHelp: All user help can now be edited in a rich text editor.
- UserHelp: User Help is now found in the root tab of Tables, Fields and Buttons.
- Visibility: Added [If In List] and [If Not In List] as comparison options.
- Visibility: Visibility is now found in the root tab of Groups, Fields and Buttons.
9 new fixes
- 1-1: Fixed issue configuring preferences on 1-1 rels.
- ActionButtons: Fixed handling of Refresh events when an action button brings up a dialog.
- CustomCSS: Fixed changes that caused custom CSS class names to be ignored.
- IE 11: Fixed access to config options.
- IE: Fix for Internet Explorer to allow Dialogs to properly overlay iFrame contents.
- MySQL: Fixed ability to use non-standard ports.
- MySQL: Fixed high speed rowcount calculation.
- RowCounts: Correctly update internal rowcounts if the end of table is prematurely hit.
- Tooltips: Replaced the hover tooltips on fields and select items with a manual click on the help icon.
dbFront Version: 1.0.10
2019-07-09 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new fix
- Oracle: Correctly retrieve string Unique/PK values after insert.
2019-06-15 - dbFront Version:, Feature
23 new features
- Automatically attempts to recover locks on return navigation.
- Automatically drop locks if a user navigates away or closes a browser tab, See: RecordLocking
- Automatically purge expired locks.
- ButtonVisibility: Ability to manage button visibility based on security and data access.
- ButtonVisibility: Optionally override the data access to trigger locking for ReadOnly users.
- Buttons: Disable Save & Discard buttons when there is nothing to save.
- Buttons: Group Action buttons, Report buttons and Advanced Tool buttons separately.
- CreateCopy: Append " (copy)" or " (copy N)" to Unique text columns instead of clearing.
- Inserts: Improved ability to manage Inserts with Null Keys values.
- Locking: Cleanup all Tab/Session locks if the user moves to a new main record, See: RecordLocking
- Lookups: Extra help and feedback when configuring lookups.
- Lookups: Improved support for deeper cascading lookups, See: CascadingLookups
- Lookups: Show relationship detail details in config dialog.
- MassUpdate: Added a confirmation page to the Edit Wizard.
- MassUpdate: Advanced Filter is used to select the records to update or delete. See: MassUpdate
- MassUpdate: Delete or Update multiple records in a single transaction. See: MassUpdate
- MassUpdate: Now checks for unsaved changes.
- RecordLocking: "On Enter" record locking is now used by default, See: RecordLocking
- RecordLocking: Child records automatically locked if parent is locked.
- RecordLocking: New Record Locking functionality. (On Enter), See: RecordLocking
- RecordLocking: [Help]/[Monitor] Page lists active record locks with details.
- RowCount: High speed rowcounts for large tables in Oracle, MySql and SQL Server.
- SQLServer: Improved support for using a unique index if no PK present.
7 new fixes
- CreateCopy: Recover unique child fields used for joins to the parent record.
- DateFormat: Fixed formatting of Readonly fields.
- Lookups: Fixed cascading lookups pointing to a Unique index instead of PK.
- Lookups: Fixed multilevel field dependencies.
- Profile: Ensure that the Profile menu items shows correctly.
- QuickSearch: Clearing filter will now automatically reload full data set.
- SQLServer: Fixed support for SQL Server 2000.
dbFront Version: 1.0.9
2019-05-07 - dbFront Version:, Feature
14 new features
- AdvancedSearch: Ability to save and reload Default Filter to Cookie or Profile.
- AdvancedSearch: Allow specifying NULL values for the advanced search.
- CustomButtons: Ensure Refresh Level works correctly for both RunProcedure and OpenURL buttons.
- CustomButtons: Ensure help text is valid, safe and balanced HTML. Allow formatting.
- CustomButtons: Set Css Classes that will enable extra styling options.
- CustomButtons: Set Help Text that displays as a tool-tip.
- Icons: Replaced the jQuery Icons with jquery-ui-iconfont, for clarity and extra options.
- Passwords: Warn if the Caps-Lock key is on.
- Profile: Ability to autocreate Profile Records.
- Profile: Ability to store settings on the User Profile.
- Profile: Ability to view the current users profile from the top menu.
- Profile: Profile errors will block regular users. Admin users are allowed to continue so they can fix the issues.
- Refresh: Add ActionButton option to refresh the Form from the Database.
- Settings: Added [SiteFooterHtml] to allow setting a site footer. See: Layout
15 new fixes
- Attachments: Fixed error after upload rejected due to size.
- Connections: Hide disabled connections from non-admin users.
- CustomButtons: Ensure attributes are correctly quoted.
- Dropdowns: Fixed error when typeahead cancels a resultset to request an update.
- Dropdowns: Reset/Clear child cascading dropdown if parent changed.
- Errors: Correctly highlight invalid dropdowns.
- FormCache: Fixed reloading after a custom update.
- FormCache: Fixed saving cache with missing attachment data.
- Menu: Profile Menu layout corrected.
- PDFForms: Default Field.Flatten to "Assigned" to cover PDF Viewers that can't show form fields.
- PDFForms: Fixed flattening too many fields.
- Passwords: Detect browsers without Caps-Lock detection and disable.
- Profile: Remove invalid fields from Database Profiles settings.
- Refresh: Cleaned up button refresh options
- SQL: Automatically replace NULL parameter values with NULL on insert.
dbFront Version: 1.0.8
2019-03-11 - dbFront Version:, Stable
16 new features
- Culture: Added [CultureName] setting to manage the global culture. See: Culture
- Culture: Added support for Numbers formats that use a comma as the decimal place holder.
- Culture: Optionally use a Html input[type='text'] for numbers. See: Layout
- Culture: Web page culture will automatically follow the Service Culture.
- Culture: WebSite culture will automatically follow the Service Culture.
- Insert: Enable use of uniquely indexed single fields to find inserted record.
- Links: Help indicating that you can Right-Click on links to open in a new Tab or Window.
- Quotes: Optionally display helpful quotes.
- Settings: Added [NewDatabaseVisibility] to manage new database visibility. See: DatabaseDefaults
- Settings: Added [NewFieldVisibility] to manage new field visibility. See: DatabaseDefaults
- Settings: Added [NewTableType] to manage the default table type. See: DatabaseDefaults
- Settings: Added [SiteCssFile] to allow loading a site custom css file. See: Layout
- Settings: Added [SiteHeaderHtml] to allow setting a site header. See: Layout
- Settings: Added [SiteTheme] to allow setting a default site theme. See: Layout
- Settings: Expanded Setting dialog to show most available settings. Editing to follow.
- URL: Allow SchemaName.TableName on url. See: DeepLinking
30 new fixes
- Advanced Search: Show all fields when expanded.
- Culture: Correct Min value formatting.
- Culture: Fixed numeric validation in text fields.
- Dates: Fixed read-only dates triggering changes.
- Expressions: Make it easier to insert expression keywords.
- Field: Added special "Guid" / "uniqueidentifier" handling.
- Goto: Corrected Goto Button visibility on new records.
- Guid: Correctly handle Guid fields for compare.
- Index: Ensure that Unique Fields are recognized.
- LogViewer: Fixed menu item.
- Numeric: Fixed MaxValue formatting.
- Oracle: Correctly quote Output Field on Insert.
- Oracle: Default numeric fields with undefined precision/scale to Number(16,4)
- Oracle: Fix problems Deserializing Oracle errors.
- Oracle: Skip calling Oracle %sequence%.NextVal expressions to avoid gaps.
- Oracle: Updated ability to retrieve Inserted Sequence, Guid or other values.
- Page: Fixed page load artifacts.
- Schema: Fix Index check that was not schema aware.
- Schema: Fix Relationship check that was not schema aware.
- SetValue: Fix 'RowHash not set' error saving a value.
- SqlServer: Correctly quote Output Field on Insert.
- Table: Cleaner errors when saving table properties.
- Table: Clearer error messages.
- Table: Fixed config related 'Object Not Found' errors.
- Table: Handle sort order issues during table rendering.
- Table: Reset existing errors when saving table properties.
- URLParams: Updated URL param encoding.
- Update: Fix Keyless record update.
- Views: Better handling of invalid views.
- Views: Fixed handling mixed case views names on Oracle.
2019-01-19 - dbFront Version:, Feature
30 new features
- AuditFields: Update Audit Fields for MultiSelect changes.
- AuditFields: Update Audit Fields for child record updates.
- Cache Changes: Ability to make multiple changes before saving.
- Cached Inserts: Ability to cache the insert of multiple new child records.
- Config: Add grouping to select dropdowns.
- ConfigBackup: Automated Database Config backups on change + cleanup.
- Connection: Allow users with Setup Access to enable / disable connections.
- Export/Import: Add explicit schema information.
- Expressions: Shortcut certain expressions to save on server roundtrips.
- Fields: More details for 'Autoincrement' fields.
- FormView: Add Maximize Button to Child Forms. Opens that Table/Row as main.
- FormView: Replace "goto" buttons with a more compact "Maximize" icon and hover text.
- Help: Ability to default Sidebar Help to: On, Off or Disable. See: SidebarHelp
- Network: Ensure that the TCP channel between the client and server is secure.
- PDF Forms: Support for filling in PDF Forms, optionally flatten fields.
- PDFForms: Enable basic expressions [%username%, {date()}, {datetime()}]
- PDFForms: Use database DateFormat for expressions.
- Relationships: Ignore redundant relationships to self.
- ReportTemplate: Make UI clearer.
- Reporting: Selecting Report or PDF templates automatically reloads custom field list.
- Reset Changes: Ability to reset form changes.
- SaveButton: Save buttons now include change counts that also reflect child rows.
- Security: Ensure that CRITICAL notices are visible to all authenticated users.
- Security: Hide Connection / Database items instead of raising security warnings.
- Table Security: Ability to disable Insert based on the user or data.
- Table Tools: Ability to script the creation of a 1-M or M-M Lookup.
- Transactions: Ability to save parent record and all children in a single transaction.
- Transactions: Correctly cache and save M-M relationships on child tables.
- Transactions: Correctly cache and save attachments on child tables.
- URL: Avoid use of Table name on URL. (Backwards compatible)
24 new fixes
- Attachment: Ensure attachments are saved on new or copied records correctly.
- Attachment: Fix "Can't load attachment" errors.
- Editing: Fixed 'RowHash not set' when creating new records in some specific cases.
- Editing: Handle "User" reversed changes correctly.
- Errors: Made Error Logging more extensive.
- Expressions: Improved Expression Testing.
- Filters: Enable Filters on M-M and MultiKey relationships.
- FormFields: Detect if MultiKey lookup fields are out of order.
- Menu: Reorder the Help menu
- PDFForms: Correct Button visibility on empty records.
- PDFForms: Handle Forms with duplicate form fields.
- Profile: Fixed "Can't check Profile" errors.
- ReportTemplate: Improved Template Preview.
- Reporting: Correctly evaluate formatted custom field values.
- SQL Script: Improved Formatting.
- Saving: Fixed repeated save notice.
- Schema: Fix Object Not found when looking for a table name.
- Schema: Make the Database Preferences schema aware.
- Schema: Turn of Schema/Owner if MySQL or if not multiple schemas
- Schema: Various fixes to make dbFront more Schema aware.
- Startup: Detect invalid Service / UI combinations.
- Table Rendering: Handle sort order issues during table rendering.
- Themes: Fix Table Beside Details Display with Dark Background Themes
- UI: Fixed hiding of all close icons on UI confirmations.
dbFront Version: 1.0.7
2018-12-10 - dbFront Version:, Feature
1 new fix
- StoredProcedure: Fix Table Results view returning incorrect data.
2018-12-03 - dbFront Version:, Feature
1 new feature
- Network: Ensure that the TCP channel between the client and server is secure.
2 new fixes
- Attachments: Fixed ability to save attachments.
- Themes: Fix "Table Beside Details" display with dark background themes
2018-11-03 - dbFront Version:, Feature
1 new feature
- ConfigBackup: Automated Database Config backups on change + cleanup.
3 new fixes
- DateTime: Fixed error testing Date Fields on ActionButton click.
- Errors: Made Error Logging more extensive.
- Profile: Fixed "Can't check Profile" errors.
2018-09-26 - dbFront Version:, Feature
17 new features
- AD: Include Group Type and Scope in logs to help debug AD Security issues.
- AD: Log Error / Warning if a Distribution group is used instead of a Security Group.
- CSV Import: Add support for multiline CSV values.
- CSV Import: Handle importing into child tables. (Requires matching or empty Parent Key)
- Config: Extend Relationship dialog to show the relationship type details.
- Core: Ability to detect associate tables.
- DateTimeOffset: Added support for the SQL Server DateTimeOffset datatype.
- Many-To-Many: Ability to create and drop M-M relationships via a Multiselect.
- One-To-One: Display 1-1 relationships as a form in a tab that automatically follows the main record.
- SQL Server Database Import: Automatically handle identity insert on Database Imports
- SQL Server: Return the Check Constraint's Description as part of Constraint Failure errors.
- Save Prompt: Automatically prompt to save when switching to new row. Include child rows.
- SaveButton: The save button now has a count of the changs to save.
- SaveButton: You can now trigger a save with the keyboard shortcut CNTRL-S.
- Search & Reporting: Ability to select multiple options for searching and reporting.
- Update/Insert: Improved formatting of Update / Insert errors.
- UsageAgreement: Default to false instead of unchecked to make it easier to notice.
25 new fixes
- CSV Import: Fixed importing empty values.
- CSV Import: Fixed importing when last column contains empty values.
- CSV Import: Identity Insert Fixes.
- CSV Import: Import Nulls correctly.
- CacheErrors: Prompt to reload when the cache is dropped by a Refresh.
- DateTime Widget: DateTime widget to only show the hours/minutes/seconds and TimeZone only if required.
- Defaults: Don't evaluate/save defaults for read-only fields.
- Export: Skip M-M pseudo fields on export.
- Field Sizes: Fixed calculation for Numeric Field sizes.
- History: Ensure history (back button) is not served from cache.
- Logging: Log correct SQL Params for errors in multipart updates.
- Logging: Log correct SQL for errors in multipart updates.
- Long Integers: Correctly handle 64 Integers.
- Lookup Captions: Fixed truncation of Lookup display values.
- Lookup: Fixed 404 error when retrieving Lookup data for complex forms.
- M-M Widgets: Fixed the saving of field Caption.
- M-M rels: Fixed "Single Row Expected" error for M-M rels.
- M-M: Fixed Param error on delete when key value hidden.
- One-To-One: Fixed the ability to view/edit One To One relationships.
- Schema Names: Properly quote unsafe schema names, e.g. [top.gun]
- Select: The arrows on disabled Select widgets now hidden.
- Table Sort: Correctly sort initial table data if sort columns are not in table.
- Unknown Types: Mark unsupported field types as TextRaw to avoid issues.
- Warnings: Hide warnings the user can't do anything about. They will still be in the logs.
- iFrame: Fixed invalid XSS error when running in iFrame.
dbFront Version: 1.0.6
2018-11-01 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new feature
- ConfigBackup: Automated Database Config backups on change + cleanup.
1 new fix
- Profile: Fixed "Can't check Profile" errors.
2018-07-04 - dbFront Version:, Stable
23 new features
- AD: Ability to specify AD User Container.
- AD: More detailed error logging to help debug issues.
- ActionButtons: RunProcedure buttons can now display procedure results as a Message, HTML Dialog or Table.
- ActionButtons: Visibility of all buttons can now be controlled dynamically.
- Boolean: Allow any Integer or Text field to be treated as a boolean.
- Database: Added an option to Reset all Database settings and reload.
- Help: Custom Table Help.
- Help: Sidebar Help.
- Login: Display Authentication Domain similar to Windows Logon. Disable with "ShowDomainName".
- MySQL: Added support for the 8.0 MySQL Connectors.
- Oracle/Number: Better Precision/Scale default for Oracle numbers without Precision/Scale.
- Reporting: Add Custom Field support to Report Templates e.g. {%CustomField%}
- Reporting: Allow setting of a Logo File.
- Reporting: Wrap field values with type information. (To allow formatting via CSS)
- SQLServer: Include Microsoft.SqlServer.Types for greater type support.
- Setup: Ability to setup Authentication via UI before Login. Only available on hosting WebServer. Disabled with "SetupLocked".
- Setup: Ability to test Authentication changes before applying. Immediate detailed feedback.
- Setup: Lightly Highlight all setup widgets when hovering over any.
- UI: Allow setup of Redirect to a Table when opening a database.
- UI: Validate the Logo and Css file type and existence.
- URL: Added a URL parameter to permit opening a specific table and triggering a search.
- Update Notice: The Update notice is now hidden from non-admin users.
- Use Impersonation to save the config settings as a Server Admin.
29 new fixes
- ActionButton: Fixed visibility logic.
- CSS: Minor tweaks to improve the UI.
- Config: Automatic config recovery in the event that only a few elements are invalid.
- Config: Backup invalid config for debug purposes.
- Config: Better error messages for missing or invalid views.
- Config: Sort the contents of Config dropdowns.
- DatabaseExport: Skip full table scan if no data is exported.
- Databases: Cleaner messages when a database is off-line.
- Dialogs: Set a more reasonable minimum width.
- Export/Import: Better UI defaults.
- Export/Import: Don't export View Fields.
- Help: More relevant in app help links.
- Help: Updated Help Links.
- Help: Updated all Help URLs to HTTPS to avoid mixed security errors.
- Joins: Better error handling if Joins are invalid.
- Login: Fix "Can't get SID" errors on reload.
- Lookup: Force refresh of static data with new dbFront version.
- Lookups: Fixed lookup creation with complex sorts.
- Menu: Renamed 'Simple View' to 'User View'.
- MySQL: Fixed support for Boolean types.
- Oracle: Corrected Relationship handing on MultiKey relationships.
- QuickExport: Fixed Excel file type error.
- Refresh: Triggering a refresh will also purge the cache.
- SQLServer: Fixed length error with GUID columns.
- Security: Hide Connection buttons (Access, Refresh) if security does not allow access.
- UI: Minor UI Fixes.
- UI: Minor cleanup tweaks.
- URL: Fixed d=%database% url parameter.
- Validation: Fix issue with a corrected select blocking a save.
dbFront Version: 1.0.5
2018-04-25 - dbFront Version:, Stable
1 new feature
- Export: Export extra flags (nullable, autoincrement).
3 new fixes
- Connection: Correct initial connection creation bug.
- MySQL: Fixed ability to recognize Auto Increment fields.
- Version: Updated to use latest protocols for version check + smart fallback.
2018-03-29 - dbFront Version:, Stable
10 new fixes
- DatabasePrefsUI: Fix "An item with the same key has already been added" error due to invalid config.
- Defaults: Fixed errors retrieving some default defaults.
- Import: Fixed import error where relationships were missing.
- Main: Fixed incomplete structure loads which could prevent application load.
- Numbers: Fixed ability to enter negative numeric values.
- Oracle: Fixed "ORA-01008: not all variables bound", Default to name based binding.
- RememberMe: Default to false instead of unknown.
- RowSecurity: Hide child rows when a main row becomes hidden due to row security.
- Security: Fix 'Can't get SID' errors on service reload.
- TableUI: Better handling of data errors at client side.
2018-03-11 - dbFront Version:, Stable
9 new features
- CheckBox: Larger via CSS.
- CheckBox: Tri-State (Yes / No / Null) check boxes. Note: Oracle does not understand the concept of a Null Boolean.
- Config: Alert user when field is required on the database.
- Default: Updated default handling to pre-evaluate constant expressions.
- Defaults: Evaluate and display database defaults on new records.
- Filtering: Allow Numeric and Date ranges. If only the second value is specified then Nulls are permitted. If the second date excludes a time portion then it will be treated as End of Day.
- Licensing: Added support for site licenses based on an Email address and dbFront version.
- Reporting: Add options: %ReportParameterRows%, %ReportDate%, %ReportTime%
- Reporting: Add selected parameters to report header.
8 new fixes
- Layout: Ensure Titles and other elements are encoded.
- ObjectNames: Improved handling of unusual [schema, table, view or column] names. Skip objects that use text or schema quote characters as part of their name.
- Reporting: Fixed error with missing where conditions.
- Reports: Better handling of invalid user options.
- RowSecurity: Fixed missing SQL security parameters on related tables.
- SQL Server: Fixed invalid SQL when doing a Table Sort on Sorted Lookups.
- Security: Extra logging to help identify authentication source.
- Themes: Fixed us of old jQueryUI style sheet link.
dbFront Version: 1.0.4
2018-02-23 - dbFront Version:, Stable
2 new fixes
- RowSecurity: Fixed missing SQL security parameters on related tables.
- Themes: Fixed use of old jQueryUI style sheet link.
2018-02-20 - dbFront Version:, Stable
9 new features
- CSV Import: Improved validation for CSV imports.
- Expression Editor: Easily add properly formatted fields by clicking on a list.
- MySQL Connector: Now support all 6.xx.xx versions
- Quick Import: Added the ability to import CVS formatted data directly to a table.
- Relationships: Added ability to Rename, Reorder or Hide relationships.
- Reports: Improved handling for dropped fields in reports.
- Table Views: Added config support for selecting a View for a Table.
- Upload Config: Extra Webserver checks when setting up Max upload sizes.
- Views: Ability to join views to tables. Added fields can be used anywhere.
20 new fixes
- Admin UI: Fixes to selection lists for extra long items.
- CSV Export: Corrected CSV quoting.
- DateFormats: Fixed US dates to use slashes instead of dashes.
- Editing: Fixed so that Action buttons don't trigger a save on new untouched rows.
- Exporting: Improved Config transfer when moving data.
- Group Security: Improved Error messages.
- Logging: Improved Error messages.
- MySQL: Fixed View Retrieval on MYSQL.
- QuickImport: Corrected handling of Byte Order Marker.
- Session: Cleaner Session Failed handling.
- UI: Minor UI style fixes.
- UI: Small fixes to Field Layout.
- Upload Config: Fixed incorrect config size checks.
- Upload: Fixed Upload UI for non-image attachment types.
- UserList: Better handling of overly large user lists.
- Value Formatting: Improved Formatting support.
- Views: Adding views no longer corrupts other config.
- Views: Catch more instances of View Fields in use before dropping.
- Web.Config: Fixed error that prevented load.
- WebUI: Better feedback when reloading.
dbFront Version: 1.0.3
2018-01-10 - dbFront Version:, Stable
64 new features
- Added more links to context specific help.
- Allows managing active databases from Access Preferences.
- Attachments: Improved attachment support (detection and uploading).
- Config: Debug flags can now be updated without restarting the Service
- Config: New option "MaxDatabasesPerConnection" defaults to 64
- Connection: Added ability to temporarily Disable/Reenable.
- DatabaseList: Increased the Default Max Databases per connection to 64
- DatabaseList: Sort when retrieving to ensure consistent results
- Date Handling: Better handling of user entered dates
- DateFormats: Added MM/DD/YY and MM/DD/YYYY
- Dropdowns: Dropdowns with more then 2000 rows will now be handled via AJAX.
- Dropdowns: Dropdowns with more then 2000 rows will now be handled via AJAX.
- Dropdowns: Updated to support more then a million records.
- Dropdowns: Updated to support more then a million records.
- Feedback: Disabled when non-default HelpURL.
- Free License: Easier access to Free License.
- Indexes: Improved index use when joining to related data.
- Indexes: Show warnings when updating table or lookup field preferences if the supporting indexes are missing.
- Install: Generates IIS Install Script for Self Install of IIS.
- Layout: Ability to select default row count for table
- Layout: Much better support for small screens and rotation
- Layout: New "Table Beside Detail" layout, great for wide displays
- Layout: The Top Menu order can now be adjusted by the Table Order when managing the tables
- Layout: The menu will now collapse the main menu items on small screens
- License: Ability to update license on About screen.
- License: Ability to update license on About screen.
- License: Extra License details on About screen.
- License: Extra License details on About screen.
- LogViewer: Integrated Log Viewer to simplify debugging.
- Logging: Log Client Errors
- Login: Add ability to disable "RememberMe".
- Login: Add optional "Notice" above UserName.
- Memory: Actively purge memory after large requests.
- Memory: Actively purge memory after large requests.
- Memory: Faster and more efficient Server to Client communication.
- Memory: Faster and more efficient Server to Client communication.
- Memory: Faster and more efficient Server to Server communication.
- Memory: Faster and more efficient Server to Server communication.
- Mobile: Updates to Menu, Form Layout and Field Layout for Small Screens.
- Mobile: Updates to improve Touch based navigation.
- Oracle: Respect Table Permissions
- Readme: Updated with extra trouble shooting instructions.
- Reporting: Ability to create million row reports and exports with minimal memory usage.
- Reporting: Ability to create million row reports and exports with minimal memory usage.
- Reporting: If PDF creation fails then automatically return QuickView.
- Reporting: If PDF creation fails then automatically return QuickView.
- Reporting: PDF Library Update
- Reporting: Progress Meter and Details when Printing or Exporting.
- Reporting: Progress Meter and Details when Printing or Exporting.
- Rowcount: Return True rowcount where possible.
- Rowcount: Return true rowcount where possible.
- Rowcounts: Use real rowcounts where safe
- SQLServer: Report SQL Compatibility
- Security: Ability to select connection specific AD security groups for Update and Readonly access.
- Security: Ability to select connection specific AD security groups for Update and Readonly access.
- Security: Deny access to specific users.
- Security: NonAdmin users that don't have any connection access will be rejected at login.
- Security: NonAdmin users with no connection access will be rejected at login.
- Security: Permit explicitly rejecting specific users.
- Security: Separate Admin accounts vs Promoted Admin accounts.
See: ConnectionAccess - StaticData: Reduced inpage cached data
- SupportUrl: Now Optional (Disabled by Default).
- SysLog: Added support for a SysLog Server.
- Warnings: Add a "Missing Primary Key" warning when editing table preferences if no PK.
78 new fixes
- AZURE: HAS_DBACCESS() won't return correctly unless called within that databases context.
- ActionButtons: Allow actions when no record is selected.
- ActionButtons: Updates so that buttons can use hidden fields
- Advanced: Reload correct tab on refresh.
- Browser Cookies: Ensure cookies correctly written.
- Browser Memory: Properly cleanup after closing dialogs.
- Cache: Ensure that cache key is unique between connections even if all db attributes are identical.
- Config: Fixed some settings that required a restart to apply.
- Config: Setting the Debug flag no longer requires a restart.
- Copy Record: Clear fields that must be unique to avoid duplicate error on insert
- Data: Fixed occasional incorrect rowcount and missing top row.
- DataTable: Removed "ALL" option (unsafe on large datasets)
- Database Admin: Hide inaccessable SQL Server databases for the connection user.
- Database Admin: Hide inaccessable SQL Server databases for the connection user.
- DatabaseList: Improved Error reporting.
- DatabaseList: Refreshed status with each load.
- Dropdown Fields: Fixed Dropdown fields based on a Multicolumn Relationship
- Dropdown Fields: Refresh dropdown lists if the supporting data has changed
- Dropdown: Update to Select2 4.04
- Dropdown: Update to Select2 4.04
- Duplicate Groups: Ignore duplicate AD group names instead of erroring. Duplicates are logged.
- Editing: Editing with some or all PK fields hidden.
- Export/Import: Include the Relationship Sort Order
- Field Admin: Properly refresh the UI when making field changes.
- Field Admin: Properly refresh the UI when making field changes.
- GoTo Record: Moving to another Table/Record now loads all child records as well
- Goto Button: Fixed to cover Non-PK relationships.
- HTML Fields: Fixed HTML fields that load up in a hidden tab
- Import/Export: Various fixes to improve compatibility.
- Insert/Update: Skip Calculated and similar columns when inserting/updating
- Install: Ensure that 4.5 is required when possible.
- Keyring Error: Automatically prompt with 'Reload' instead of 'Ok'
- Large Userlist: If the userlist is > 5000 then require management by group.
- Layout: Fixes to responsive calculations
- Layout: Update the Advanced Database window for small screens.
- LoadTesting: Stub
- Logging: Improved Logging on insert/update failures.
- Logging: Properly flag Debug rows for SysLog.
- MS Edge: Layout fixes.
- MS Edge: Layout fixes.
- Memory Use: Regular garbage collection.
- Menu: Fixes for large menus on Ultra Displays
- Menus: The Advanced and Simple database menus are now sorted alphabetically.
- Minimum IE: Moved from IE 9 to IE 10 minimum
- Null DataType: A null datatype will no longer block usage.
- Null DataType: A null datatype will no longer block usage.
- Numeric Formatting: Fixed Decimal formatting.
- Numeric Formatting: Fixed Decimal formatting.
- Oracle: Correct invalid Scale and Precision Defaults
- Oracle: Fixed duplicate index error while inserting.
- Oracle: Fixed issues getting key fields.
- Oracle: Fixed issues with Parameterized Queries.
- Oracle: Fixed rowcount retrieval.
- Oracle: Off by one error when paging resulted in hidden records.
- Port: Change default Port from 8080 to 42057 for new installs.
- Profile: Fixed loading errors when dbFront is restarted.
- Public: Fixed redirect to Default
- RegEx: Fixed evaluation issues
- RegEx: Now works properly with Null fields
- Relationships: MSSQL: Retrieve the keys in the correct order.
- Reporting: Fixed error reporting on empty table.
- RichText Editor: Minor layout fixes.
- RichText Editor: Minor layout fixes.
- Rowcounts: Update as adding/deleting
- SQLServer: Catch Invalid Servername
- Server Info: Fixed duplicating server info.
- ServerKey: Update to be unique across cloned VMs
- Session Count: Updated logic so the session count is more accurate.
- Session Timeout: Updated Blink Pattern
- Speed: Reduced chatter between WebApp and Service
- Stability: Improved error handling so that minor errors don't cause major issues
- Upgrade Issues: Ensure that browser clients load fresh versions of updated files.
- Upload Dialog: Hide DragN'Drop if no image attachment types selected.
- UserAccess: Better Error Handling
- UserAccess: Profile Validation / Autocorrect
- Validation: Errors on fields with hidden caption will appear correctly
- Validation: Highlights the new Dropdown fields on error
- XHTML: Fixes to rendered HTML.
3 new security updates
- Groups: Fixed incorrect Group SID which expanded access to all group users.
- MyAdmin: Block MyAdmin users from viewing other users connection details.
- MyAdmin: Block MyAdmin users from viewing other users connection details.
dbFront Version: 1.0.2
2017-02-21 - dbFront Version:, Stable
3 new features
- Extra System usage metrics for Admin Users.
- Installer: Now provides access to the Logfile if the install fails
- Now use Select2 to make large dropdowns searchable.
15 new fixes
- Added KeepAlive logic to fix session expiry issues.
- Better error handling bookmarks are invalid.
- Better error handling when a database is offline.
- Ensure correct key fields used when PK fields not together.
- Ensure that PK fields are always required.
- Fix Date Handling/Formatting in IE
- Fix usage of Default Access.
- Fixed handling of non-null blank fields.
- Fixes to improve handling of tables without keys.
- Installer: Fixed ability to create website
- Menu: Minor menu cleanup
- Security: Fixed ability to assign ReadOnly to specific users when the default security is Update
- Sort users optional list.
- Trim logging of security data.
- Updates no longer risk overwriting an older web.config
2016-11-19 - dbFront Version:, Stable
98 new features
- Ability to Create and Modify HTML Report Templates
- Ability to Export and Import databases between different database servers and versions.
- Ability to Hide "Quick Print" from non Admin users.
- Ability to run HTML Reports.
- ActionButtons: Allow %username% as a special parameter.
- Add "Column Count" on Table and Layout Group, this replaces the dynamic calculation
- Add "Column Space" on Table and Layout Group to allow dbFront to dynamically drop the number of columns if space is not available.
- Add "Css Class" on Table, Field and Layout Group
- Add "Hide If Null and Readonly" on Fields
- Add "Label Position" on DB, Table and Field
- Add "Layout Group" on Field
- Add "Remove" button to Layout Group and Custom Button
- Add Support for Azure version of SQL Server.
- Add ability to dynamically use different database DLL versions. (NF)
- Add ability to include a Database specific class
- Add ability to trigger Debug level logging.
- Add drag and drop for images from other webpages directly
- Added About Dialog under Help menu with ability to update License.
- Added Filtering / Advanced Search
- Added Temporary Link to Template Editor under Help menu. (Move to Reports menu later)
- Added a Feedback Icon
- Added ability to Setup Database Authentication
- Added ability to preview report templates in the editor.
- Added ability to set Login Context Type (Domain, Machine) in dbFrontService.config
- Added instructions to the Connection Access Dialog
- Added more help links.
- Added the Connection caption to the Connection Access Dialog
- Added the ability to delete Report Templates
- Advanced Search: Allow partial matches and wildcards "%"
- Again rework the authentication to deal with Windows 10 issues.
- Allow Html File Type
- Authentication: Adding Database Authentication
- Authentication: Config UI
- Authentication: Enabling Database Authentication triggers a "Directory" select on the Login.
- Authentication: Reworked the database security in the Database Window as Profiles. ( If a profile table is configured then users must exist and match)
- Authentication: Simplified Access Logic. Either Admin, Update, Readonly or Default...
- Authentication: User Access is now determined by UserName/Directory
- Authentication: Validation Function
- Automatic Cache cleanup: Automatically purge cache files after 7 days.
- Beginings of Printing
- Better handling for Log Running Processes (e.g. Export/Import)
- Better in-app config help for authentication and database preferences.
- Better support For Database Table Permissions (Select, Insert, Update, Delete).
- Changed URL to online help
- Changed [No Group] to "Select Database..."
- Changed the Help Link to a Dropdown with a help link and a Bug Report Link
- Cleanup Advanced Database Window
- Cleanup HTML fields for viewing as records.
- Connections: Add ability to temporarily enable/disable connections.
- Database Export/Import: now optionally export/imports data.
- Database Export/Import: now transfers dbFront config.
- Default a list of Filter fields
- Export/Import, Create scripts for missing structure
- Exporting: UI changes to allow for Excel and CVS export
- Field Formatting: Allow format strings to be specified. (Currently only applies to Numeric and Date fields on Reports/Exports)
- Field: Added ability to set expressions for Audit Fields
- Hide Database Name in URL. Now use (k=DatabaseKey), can still use d=Databasename if desired.
- Increased size of ReportTemplate body and style to 10k
- Installer: Now checks for missing IIS features
- License: Updated to show Open Source Content
- Login: Add "Remember Me" to login page.
- Lookups: Added ability to set an alternative Sort Order for Lookups
- Made the Multiselect Widget Taller (CSS)
- Mark public connections in Admin View
- MySQL: Updated Base Supported Connector Version to 6.7.9
- MySQL: now support connector version v6.6 to v6.9.9
- Now Requires Dotnet 4.5.2
- OpenUrl Button: Optionally allow button use without triggering validation.
- Quick Reports: Ability to filter results.
- Quick Reports: Ability to report/export a single item (e.g Invoice or Recipe) or a listing (e.g. Product Listing, Directory)
- Quick Reports: Can now export the data in CSV format (excel to follow)
- ReadOnly Expressions
- Rearranged the Connection Access Dialog
- Rearranged the Table Preferences
- Record Bookmarks now avaible for public and internal users.
- Remove Database Window for Non-Admin users with only one database.
- Renamed the Readonly Expression to Updateable Expression
- Report/Export: Open Reports in a Separate Tab
- Report/Export: Optionally Require user Filter Fields
- Report/Export: Sorting Direction
- Reporting: Properly expand lookup fields.
- Reporting: UI changes to allow for multirow reports
- Reports and Database menu now remember current tab
- Rework Authentication for Public Authentication
- Reworked Authentication to allow for a Public View.
- Row Security: Add ability to calculate a Row Level Delete permission.
- Save Database and Table hashes for quick lookup after restart.
- Saved Reports/Exports: Allow user filters.
- Saved Reports/Exports: Allow users to select output format at runtime.
- Security: Simplify Update/Readonly User Management
- Separate Public and Private Session Expiries
- Store Server Salt, in-case the system signature changes.
- Table: Added the option to view 1 or 5 rows. (5 is now the default)
- TableView: Set Default Sort Order
- Updated Themes
- Updates to deal with a single user switching between Public and Authenticated pages.
- Upload attachment sizes are validated against server and db maximums
92 new fixes
- + Can't support "Instead of Insert" triggers because they prevent capture of the new identity value.
- + Only "After Insert" triggers supported if the table has an identity column.
- Add css classes to specific elements to aid in styling
- Added Invalid Profile detection
- Advanced Search: Fixed Read-Only user searching.
- Advanced Search: Fixed field layout.
- Advanced Search: Now uses correct Date type (Date, DateTime, Time)
- Allow File types with mixed case.
- Allow multiple databases with the same name across servers/connections.
- Attachment Upload: Added validation to Drag/Drop from website.
- Better Logging for Authentication Issues
- Catch Windows Active Directory bug. See: ADFileNotFoundError
- Connections with excessive generate a warning and only the first 32 are shown.
- Delay the Session Expiry Warning by 5 minutes
- Detect Service / UI version mismatch and log
- Detect windows AD config error
- Don't show the Javascript alert so much..
- Fix Browser Popup Issues
- Fix Quick Report button security. Only allow admin to Create/Save/Delete reports.
- Fix SQL Syntax issues caused when using Reserved Words as field names. e.g. 'Delete'
- Fix Session Expiry disconnect between Service and IIS
- Fix Table Lookup for Public users after Restart or session loss.
- Fix ability to correct connection password.
- Fix caching old static data.
- Fix errors around resolving DLLs
- Fix issues getting Active Directory configuration.
- Fix overly zealous caching of old core.js
- Fix performance issue accessing Windows user list
- Fix to Admin Menu access.
- Fix: Can't add security to a user with a space in name.
- Fix: Clearly mark deleted users.
- Fix: Lookup Sort order is properly reloaded.
- Fixed AD Membership detection (Win8/10)
- Fixed AD authentication broken in 1.01.6429
- Fixed Database Export/Import creating duplicate object names in for relationships.
- Fixed Default Report for IE
- Fixed Ghost Domain when machine added and then removed from domain.
- Fixed Goto Record
- Fixed Logging LF
- Fixed MsSql boolean handling
- Fixed MySql security query.
- Fixed Settings display on Group Controls
- Fixed Tab Session separation
- Fixed Tab Specific Context
- Fixed ability to create new templates
- Fixed ability to manage tables.
- Fixed error when selecting empty row
- Fixed invalid Default Button behaviour
- Fixed many cases where dialog contents were to large for dialog
- Fixed number formatting in table and reports
- Fixed occasional empty database list.
- Fixed random locking errors when updating database lookup table.
- Fixed security hiding MSSQL tables that should be visible.
- Fixed sorting for image columns.
- Fixes around Read-only Records
- Form Fields: Handle and cleanup duplicate fields.
- Form View: Fixed reappearing fields (after they were removed)
- Form: Treat ColumnSpace as Min-Width.
- Goto: Fixed issues jumping to unselected lookup entry.
- IE: Force IE to use Edge mode even in corporate environments.
- Ignore attempts to update RowVersion Fields
- Import: Better feedback when importing data and applying database settings.
- Improve System Database detection
- Improve dbFrontService response to config updates to avoid restarts.
- Improve session recovery for public users.
- Improved driver support
- Keyless Tables: Improved help when dealing with Keyless tables.
- Logging: Ensure logging issues can't prevent service start.
- MimeType corrections
- Minor fixes to default Report Template
- MsSQL Import: Fixed Field creation instructions.
- MsSQL-2000: Repaired MS SQL 2000 support.
- Only Admin users can upload attachments.
- PDF Generation: Improved Error handling on failure.
- Performance: Update and Delete expressions only called on Form Load.
- Persist Database & Table Index to disk to avoid unnessecary DB scans
- Remove Border around Buttons
- Removed request for VIEW ANY DEFINITION for MSSQL.
- SQL Server: Fixed ability to insert into table with Trigger.
- SQL Server: Warn of possible Trigger Error. Table Triggers must include [set nocount on;] to avoid messing with the returned rowcount.
- SQLServer: Fixed incorrect display length.
- Saving a Template now keeps current Template in focus.
- Security: Warning if 'Windows Authorization Access' is missing on service account.
- Session Expiry Warning (Continue / Logout)
- SetValue Button: Fix expression validation.
- Significant improvements to AD integration.
- Sorting: Fixed child table default sorting.
- Table: Fixed alignment of columns and headings on hidden tables.
- Ticket #299778, Ensure PK is available even if hidden
- Used Cookie to get try and figure out current tab.
- User Session: Fixed error purging old sessions.
- Various CSS fixes.
1 new security update
- SQL Injection: Improved handling of user input to eliminate a SQL injection vector.
dbFront Version: 1.0.1
2015-08-08 - dbFront Version:, Stable
6 new features
- Javascript typeCheck
- Rebuild Expression Engine
- Table view now shows if blob fields contain a value
- Update to DataTables.1.10
- Update to jQuery 1.11.3
- Update to jQueryUI 1.11.4
5 new fixes
- Fixed PK-FK case missmatch issues (MySql)
- Minor Fixes
- Pointer over images
- System Test fixes
- ThemeSwitch Refresh
2015-07-07 - dbFront Version:, Stable
4 new features
- Add the ability to 'Goto' the selected lookup value
- InnoSetup Install YAY!!
- Numberous updates to make installing easier.
- Working on Custom Buttons
3 new fixes
- Fixed Date Handling
- Fixing SetValueAction visibility
- MSSQL: Fixed image deletion