Help Setup
The following settings allow you to update how the help functionality in dbFront behaves.
Help Link
By default, the Help Button in dbFront will open a new web page to the Support page on the dbFront website. From there users can find all kinds of help including Video Tutorials.
To change where the Help Button links open the Settings. [Help] / [Settings] / [User Help]
Feedback Icon
To hide or show the Feedback Icon open the Settings. [Help] / [Settings] / [User Help]
Sidebar Help
By default, dbFront will open a context-sensitive help bar at the side of the screen. This help will follow the user around until they close it. It will reappear if they ask for help
You can optionally tell dbFront to hide this Sidebar Help until requested or disable it so that it can't be requested from the menu. If disabled the help may appear if the user clicks on a Help Icon but it will disappear as soon as a user navigates away or refreshes the page.
To manage the Sidebar Help open the Settings. [Help] / [Settings] / [User Help]